Chapter 7: Brilliant Minds

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I sat in silence for the rest of the class period. Every now and then I would get a look from my fellow students and it was bothering me greatly. I shifted in my chair as the last minutes ticked away. It wasn't just the students who were looking at me, but my teacher as well.

I stared up at the clock.


Mrs. Crane stood from her desk.


Mrs. Crane started to weave her way through the sea of desks.


Students grabbed their bags.


Mrs. Crane was only three desks away.


The bell went off and the class started to file out of the door. I grabbed my bag off of the floor and threw it unto my shoulder. I just wanted to get out of here. I didn't want to be in this room any longer then I needed to be.

"Michael?" Mrs. Crane asked, catching me by the arm before I could flee.

I sighed and turned to look at her. She stared down at me with wide admiring eyes. "What?" I asked a little more coldly then I intended to.

"Have any of your other teachers talked to you yet about the program we are setting up?" She leaned her back against the desk and smiled to me.

"Yeah, Mrs. Haywood discussed it with me last period..." I played with my shirt collar nervously.

Mrs. Crane beamed. "That's great!"

"But I don't think it's for me." I explained quickly, just wanting to leave the room.

"Why not? It's the perfect opportunity for you to test your potential." Mrs. Crane looked completely stunned by my words. She wore the same confused expression from when I answered the questions.

"I'm just a normal kid? Okay? There is nothing special about me! " I stormed out of the room, fuming.

I turned down the hall and took the back stairs to the bus lot. I exited the school, stepping out into the warm, evening sun. Middle school students were still filing unto the buses and I let myself fall into the flow of the crowd. I felt like I was disappearing as I moved along with everyone else. I don't like feeling different. You get made fun of and shoved into lockers when you're different.

I'm just like everyone else.

*Alexandra Wright's POV*

I stepped into the empty apartment and fell unto the couch. Michael should still be at Mary's so this is a good time to finally read these wills. I just need to get this done and over with...

I pulled the two envelopes out of my jacket pocket and sat the on the table in front of me. Which do I read first? Mom's or Dad's? I leaned forward grabbing the first envelope my hand touched and brought it to my chest. 'Jessica Anne Wright'

I ripped the envelope opened and caught the folded papers the fell out of it. I stared down at the older parchment, thinking of what it could contain. Slowly I unfolded the papers and began to read.

My Children,

If you are reading this, then I am recently departed. Now, my children, do not morn over me. I don't want you to cry over me. I do not deserve your tears, my children. This will contains things about the both of you and I hope that you are not reading this at too young of an age, or that your father has not hidden it away from you two.

Michael. Your father is a touchy subject, my son. I don't know how to put this kindly onto this page, so it is best if I just come out with it. Evan is not your father. A man named Carl Stevens is. Not too long ago, I had a fling with this man and you came to be. Evan was getting hard to deal with. He was so distant, and worked such long hours. I know that none of this can ever excuse what I have done, but that is not why I tell you. I tell you so you can understand. Evan has always been a difficult man, Michael. He has always been hot-headed and at times cold. He is a good father, so don't accuse him of anything unkind. He would do anything for you two.

Alexandra. Honey, I know you are only eight, but you are already showing how much you can do. You are a brilliant child. Don't let this gift get away from you. Do something great for yourself. Find someone who truly loves YOU. Don't begin to treat your brother differently because you do not share the same father. That was my mistake, not his. Take care of your brother, Alexandra. I'm counting on you, honey.

I know I made a lot of mistakes, children, but don't remember me just by those. I will always love you two, even in death, I will watch over you.



I sat the unfolded papers back unto the table, wiping my tears away. My heart ached as I read her words. Father was never as good as I thought him to be, not even when we were younger. I always thought he was so kind and good-hearted then, but he was cold to Mother.

I couldn't stop thinking about her words, 'I made a lot of mistakes, children, but don't remember me by those. I will always love you two, even in death, I will watch over you.' She never wanted me to blame her for what happened. She never wanted me to blame anyone.

I reached for the last envelope slowly, not really wanting to know what Father had wrote in his will. When was his written? It could be from before Mom's death or after...

Alexandra & Michael,

I know your mother has left us, but we do not need her to survive in this world. We are all strong human beings, and I just want you to remember that.

Michael, your mother was a lying whore. Son, you are not really my child. I know your mother never told me this, I found out the hard way. So I am sure she has yet to tell you. I don't want you to hate her for this choice of hers. She is still your mother and loves you none the less. As do I.

Alexandra. You are a brave little girl. You are my little soldier and you are more like you mother then I could ever explain. You act so much like her and I see her in your eyes. I know what she did was wrong, baby girl, but don't think differently of her for it. Your mother and I will always love you two. Don't you ever forget that.


Evan Wright

I stared down at my father's will. My throat constricted and anger seeped out of me. How could he be such a hypocrite? 'I know what she did was wrong, baby girl, but don't think differently of her for it.' Are you kidding me? He is the one that killed her for it!

My hands clenched into a fist, still holding the will. I threw it down unto the table and stormed out of the room.


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