Chapter 19: Tough Love

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I watched Daniel closely and he joined my trembling form on the mattress. He lifted the knife up, pinching it between his fingers. He looked as though he was deep in thought. Daniel bounced the blade off his palm and grinned an evil smile.

"I used this on all of them... They weren't as important as you though... I am actually kind of nervous now. I want it to be absolutely perfect this time. You deserve that. I want you to see just how much I care about you." Daniel stated, from his position above me.

I stared at him with scared eyes. "To show how much you care about me?! If you cared about me you wouldn't want to kill me!" I screamed at him.

Anger flashed across his face and suddenly my cheek stung. Warm blood trailed down from my cheek and Daniel brought the blade up to his lips. His tongue picked up the crimson fluid that lined the blade and I realized that he had cut me. He cut me! "Don't you dare talk to me like that. After everything I have done for you! I killed them for you! I killed them so that this would be perfect! I wrote to you, but that wasn't enough to make you see my love for you!"

I felt sickened by his words... How could he claim to love me and hurt me at the same time...?

Daniel traced my collar bone with the blade of the knife. "I have been waiting for so long to show you how much I care about you... To proclaim my love just the right way. Now I know how."

My torso suddenly felt cold, yet hot at the same time. Daniel began to cut my shirt away with his knife, the blade catching my skin as he worked quickly. He threw the tattered cloth that had once been my shirt to the side and glided the blade across my stomach. My body trembled under his touch and I tried to get away.

I ignored the pain in my wrists and the hot blood that flowed through them. I just wanted to get away from him. I want to get away from everything. Daniel laughed at my feeble attempts to get away and watched me struggle under him. I flailed my body, trying to accomplish something, anything at all. I screamed in pain as Daniel's knife was forced into my abdomen.

Hot, salty tears raced down my cheeks, burning the cut I already had. I screamed as loud and as much as I could, finding it to be my only release. Daniel seemed to be getting off on my fear and pleading. He continued to plunge the blade into me, going deeper with every strike. Pain filled my entire body, but I could not find the energy to move anymore I felt nothing but weakness. I felt like a small child at the hand of my father all over again.

I stared up at Daniel, my attacker, my eyes blurred with tears and sweat. His face was the last thing I saw before everything went dark.


*3rd Person POV*

Daniel stood up from Alex's trembling, unconscious figure and wiped the bloodied blade across his tongue. His senses heightened as the crimson fluid touched his tongue. A smile crept across his lips. This was better then all the other kills... He was going to have to let this one last...


The FBI team all stood in the small conference room, looking over everything they knew about both of the cases. Something had to help them figure out who had taken Alex. They scanned through all the files, looked over all the photographs, examined all the evidence, and considered the profile... They had nothing... They had so much to consider that the possibilities were endless.

They had brought in Oliver and Michael, but they knew nothing. They also found out, just like Morgan had stated, Oliver was not their UNSUB. Nothing seemed to fit together... nothing but...

"Who is the guy that works with Alex?" Morgan asked throwing down the file he had being scanning through.

Without looking up, Reid replied from behind a case file of his own. "Daniel Adkins..." Reid's voice trailed off into a yawn. They were all running on no sleep and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

Morgan pulled out his cell phone and text-ed the name to Garcia. Within a few moments his phone began to vibrate as she called him back. "What do you have, baby girl?"

Garcia's tired voice flowed from the phone and everyone stopped what they were doing to listen. "Okay, I ran a background on your boy Daniel... and... well, he didn't exist until last year."

Everyone sighed, knowing that they were getting nowhere. "What can you tell us...?" Morgan asked, hopeful.

"Um... Nothing you don't already know. He works at Goodwin's Books, has no listed address, he gets paid in cash, and doesn't pay taxes... This guy changed his identity..." Garcia huffed, her finger going ninety on her keyboard.

"Can you find out who he is?" Hotch asked with a defeated sigh.

"I'll do what I can... PG out." There was a click and the line went dead.

Morgan pocketed his phone once again and everyone shared a concerned look. Hotch stood from the table and spoke. "Let's call it a day. Everyone is tired and could use some sleep... Let's just pack it in for the night and pick up in the morning."

Everyone stared at him, unsure of what to say. Morgan cut off the silence. "We can't give up, Hotch. Every second counts!"

"I know that, but we aren't going to be any help if we can barely keep our eyes open.." JJ's head lifted off the table and she let out a soft yawn. "Just go back to the hotel and try to get some sleep guys."

Morgan sighed in defeat and followed everyone else to their black SUV's. He knew he would not be able to get any sleep. Not when they still had nothing to go on. The team traveled to the hotel and split up. Hotch and Rossi to their room, JJ and Blake to theirs. Reid followed behind Morgan as he led the way to their hotel room. Morgan scanned his key card, unlocking the door and entered the room.


*Alexandra Wright's POV*

I felt as if I was underwater. Everything sounded far off and I could hear my own heart beat. It seemed so loud that the whole world could hear it. But I know that isn't the case, because if they could they would be here to save me already.

I forced myself to look around the dark basement and saw no sign of Daniel. Where is he? Who the hell cares! I fidgeted with the wires on my wrist, but they still wouldn't give. I did the only thing I could. I held my breath preparing myself for the pain that was to come. I released the breath in a gasp as I ripped my right hand out of wires. The skin on the top of my hand peeled from my hand, revealing a fleshy and gruesome sight.

Pain seared through my hand, blocking out everything else I felt. Blood pooled from it, the skin that had once protected my hand, now hung off, draped over my knuckles. I bit back my screams of pain. I forced myself to move my fingers, tears stinging my eyes from the movement. Slowly, but as quickly as I could unwrapped the wires from my left hand.

I stood up, clutching my bleeding abdomen and stumble towards where I remembered the stair case being... My foot found the bottom step and I slowly and steadily started climbing my way to freedom. I followed the wall with my left hand, to make sure I didn't fall. The stairs creaked under my uneven steps and my heart stopped... Did he hear that...?

As if summoning my worst nightmare, the basement door swung open, revealing a very angry Daniel. His cold, black eyes were filled with rage as he stared me down. His voice came out in a low growl. "Where do you think you are going?"  


Hey guys  and gals:)

Can i just say OUCH! Am I the only one that felt it when she pulled her hand free. Gosh that would hurt...

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