Chapter 16: Not So New Faces

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*3rd Person POV*

SSA Aaron Hotchner sat at his desk. A gentle sigh escaped his lips as he finally finished the last of his paper work. Something that he has not accomplished in quite a while. He sat the last case file unto the stack on the corner of his desk and pushed the tall stack farther away. A small knock came from his office door and he called the visitor in.

"Come in..." Hotch called out tiredly.

Derek Morgan entered his supervisor's office and held up a manila folder. His knuckles where almost white from gripping the folder so tightly. He approached Hotch's desk with a worried expression. "Have you seen this case yet?" Derek asked as he approached.

"I don't think I have?" Hotch stated, his words coming out as more of a question. He was unsure of whether or not he should know what Morgan was talking about.

Derek dropped the case file unto his boss' desk and dropped into a chair. "I didn't believe it until JJ showed it to me. I had Garcia double check just to make sure... It's legit..."

Hotch opened the file as he soaked in Derek's words. The information contained within the file seemed oddly familiar to him, yet he couldn't quite put his finger on it. "What is going on?" Hotch asked as he flipped past the report  and examined the photographs.

"It's happening all over again, Hotch. Someone is copying the murders from three years ago... A Detective Rodney from IMPD called it in and he says they are strangely familiar to Evan Wright's kills. This guy has already killed three people and they all fit Evan's type... Anna Monroe was the first victim, Lila Harper was the second, and Emily Gardner was the most recent. Emily Gardner was killed only two days ago. The MO is the same, but this guy is actually physically raping the women himself before he sodomizes them with a knife."

Hotch looked up from the file his eyes black and empty. "Are we sure this is a copy cat?"

"Everything is the same."

Hotch sat the file back unto his desk and met Morgan's eyes. "What do you think we should do?" He wanted to know what Morgan thought, considering he was the one in the room with the kid...

"We need to get in on this case before it gets out of hand anymore then it already is..."

Aaron Hotchner nodded and stood up from his desk. He passed the case file back to Morgan. "Let the rest of the team know that we leave in an hour..."

*Five Hours Later*

After gathering all the things that they would need for their trip. The FBI team boarded their private jet and landed in Indiana. They had been briefed on the plane ride by Morgan and Hotch, and Garcia did a little digging on the victims.

They found out another difference between the killings. Unlike all of Evan's victims these women were not married and two of them where even single. They were also killed somewhere else before their bodies were dumped at the different cheap hotels. The man used the victims cards to pay for the room and left no evidence to link to him. This guy was smart and yet he was following in another person's foot steps. This seemed off to the team and made them question whether or not they had a copy cat and not just someone who was killing in a similar manner.

No matter the case, speaking with the daughter of Evan Wright seemed like the right choice and so that is what the FBI team decided to do upon landing. Hotch sent Reid, Rossi, and Blake to go to the station and work on a profile. He informed them to work the profile as if they had a regular killer on their hands and not a copy cat. Morgan had called Garcia to get the address of Alex's work place and home. They decided it was best to go to both places to make sure that they did not miss their chance to speak with her. Morgan went to her house and JJ and Hotch went to Goodwin's Books.


*Alexandra Wright's POV*

I paced the floor of my apartment, my mind spinning at everything going on. Michael was in his room and I could hear his blaring music all the way in here. Thankfully none of the neighbors has ever complained about Michael's constant music. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist as Oliver pulled me into his lap. Oliver has refused to leave my apartment since I told him about the murders, I think he is just worried that I will have a mental break down. Who knows... I might.

I rested my head against his chest as he pulled me into a tight embrace. He layed his chin on my head and rubbed my back in a soothing fashion. I felt nothing but safety in his strong arms and my mind focused on nothing but his breathing.

"If you ever just want to talk about it..." He started.

"I know." I murmured into his bare skin. He always said the same thing when this happened. Whenever I am reminded of what happened in the past I become distant. I am not as bad as I had been  before but I'm still not normal. Hell, if there is a 'normal'. He always says he is willing to talk about what happened, but I feel so guilty about it all. He could have a mom if it wasn't for me...

Someone knocked on the door of my apartment and broke our conversation, or lack there of. Oliver moved me unto the couch and walked over to door. He was wearing only his jeans, which unlike most guys, they were pulled up to his waist and held in place by a belt. I watched as Oliver crossed the room and pulled open the door. His back tensed as he greeted who stood outside the apartment.

He spoke quietly with whoever was at the door and my curiosity was driving me crazy. I stood up from the couch and made my way to the door. As weird as it may sound, I am wearing Oliver's shirt and a pair of his basketball shorts. It is not what you think... His clothes just make me feel safe.

"Yeah, come in." Oliver's soothing voice stated. He took a step back from the door, revealing someone I never thought I would have to see again.

Agent Derek Morgan gave me a half smile as he stepped into the apartment. "Hello, Alex."

"Agent Morgan..." I greeted him. I shook his hand, finding no more of an appropriate way to greet him.

I ushered him across the room and to the couches. "Would you like anything? Coffee? Water?"

Derek Morgan shook his head and took a seat in one of the couches. Oliver sat in the other and I sat beside him. "No, thank you."

"What brings you here, Agent?" Oliver asked kindly. He placed his hand reassuringly on my knee, stopping my leg from shaking before it could even start. He knows me too well.

"I actually needed to speak with, Alex. It is regarding a recent investigation that we have been called in to assist." Agent Morgan stated, not looking away from me.

Oliver nodded and stood, understanding that he would not be needed in this conversation. "I can assure you that Alex here has done nothing wrong." He stated with his shy grin. "She is as innocent as they come. I'm going to go talk to Michael." He kissed the top of my head and left for Michael's room. I watched him leave and to my surprise Michael's music became much quieter.

"How old is Michael now?"

I looked over at Agent Morgan and gave him a small smile. "He is eleven... I can't believe it has been three years already..." Agent Morgan nodded. "I take it you are here about the murders that are similar to my father's...?"

"Yes, do you have any information regarding them that may be useful?"

I sighed and shook my head. "I'm sorry, Morgan... I only heard about them this morning... I don't really keep up with the news now-a-days..."

Our conversation had begun in a very slow and awkward manner. I did not have much to share with Morgan in regards to the case, but I told him everything I could and answered his questions to the best of my ability. He told me that they think they may have a copy cat on their hands, but that they could wrong.

He made sure to inform me that they would do everything in their power to find the person responsible for the murders. And I knew that they would...


Hey guys and gals. How have you been? So that is two chapters today, hopfully making up for my slow updates. Let me know what you guys are thinking about the story so far. Your input is very important to me :) Comment and vote. And remember. Follow me and I will follow you back.

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