Chapter 6: The Wills

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After my unexpected encounter with Oliver at the cemetery I decided it was finally time to get the reading of the wills out of the way. I have been dreading this moment for quite a while, but Oliver's optimistic words made me realize that I needed to move on. I needed to get past what happened and look at the bright side. I'll let you know what the bright side of what happened is when I figure it out...

I left the cemetery and began to make my way to what used to be my mother and father's law firm. Traffic was ridiculously slow and I spent too much time on the highway. It took what felt like an eternity to get through the traffic and to the law firm. Things didn't pick up once I arrived at the law firm. It was crowded and slow moving there as well.

Silently I waited inside the building, sitting alone in the provided waiting area. One by one, people in the room followed those who came to gather them. I stared at the floor unsure of how to feel in this situation. Mother has been dead for over a decade and Father has been gone for three years. It seems odd to be just coming here after such a long time has passed.

A man in a freshly pressed suit entered the room with a smile plastered on his face. "Ms. Wright?" He called out as he looked around the still packed room.

"Yes?" I responded unsure as I stood up from my seat.

The man approached me as he held out his hand and I slowly shook it. "I am Todd Marr." His grin held true as he introduced himself confidently. "If you don't mind following me."

"Of course." I stated softly and left the room with him.

The man led me down a hallway and made small talk as he did so. "How are you doing today, Ms. Wright?"

Oh, I'm just splendid. I am just here to see what my families dying words are. And did I mention I was verbally attacked today? Deciding that wouldn't be a wise way to reply, I simply smiled and lied. "I'm doing just fine, Todd."

Todd stopped at an office door and opened it. He motioned me in as he held the door. "That's good hear." I entered the spacious office and Todd followed me quickly. I sat down in one of the chairs in front of the desk and Todd stood, leaning on the wall. "What can I do you for?" He asked in a smooth voice.

"I'm here to see the wills of my parents." I stated plainly, wanting to just get this over with.

Todd nodded and moved closer. "Okay, what are their names?"

"Evan and Jessica Wright."

Mr. Marr made his way towards the door. "Alright, just give me a moment and I'll be right back."

I nodded and Todd left the room in a hurry. I sat un-moving and silent as I awaited Mr. Marr's return. With each moment that passed, I regretted my coming here more and more.

"Ah, here we are." Todd stated as he entered the room with a smile. He held the envelopes out to me and I reluctantly took them. "Now your parents had their accounts set up differently than most..." Todd started, but I already knew what he was talking about.

"Yes, we received the insurance money already. They had the insurance and wills set up separately." I said as I stared at the envelopes in my hands.

My. Marr nodded. "Um, yes you are correct. In which case you do not have to be here to view the documentation."

I stood up and shook his hand once again. "Thank you for your time. Have a good rest of the day." I stated kindly.

"The same to you, Ms. Wright."

I exited the building and stuffed the envelopes into my lock box on the back of the bike once I got there. I slid on my helmet and made the long trip back home.

Just Like Daddy *Sequel to Daddy Did It*Where stories live. Discover now