My life is just beginning.

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Hey, yes first of all I should tell you who I am, because from here it gets a little crazy. 

My name is Raisa Hero, and I'm from a small town called Las Cruces, NM. 

The last couple of days got a little hectic, I didn't expect my life to turn around so fast. It all started on my birthday.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Raisa." my little brother Brian called out.

I walk into the kitchen to get a poptart.

*birthday wishes showered from then on*

I meet my best friend Sara out at the park near my house every morning.

"Happy birthday bestie!!" Sara jumps dramatically.

*does dramatic handshake*

As we finish we carry on with our regular conversation. 

We've been looking forward for this day since summer started. The whole summer in LA! The rest of our lives in California!

"Raisa you ready for today!?!" Sara screams with excitement.

"Of course!" I scream.

"Can't believe our lives start now and on my birthday!" 

"So what are you ready for?" I ask Sara 

"Im ready for the plane ride, I'm ready to sleep." She laughs

I just laugh at her.

A few hours later

My mom drops us off at the airport already having to say our goodbyes to everyone. We get all our bags and get ready for our plane to be called to be boarded.

"You two be careful out there now, okay." My mom says

"We will we promise." We both respond.

"All passengers to flight to Los Angeles, California, go to area B to start boarding..."  We hear on a intercom near us. 

"Bye mom, love you" I say to my mom while kissing her cheek.

"Bye Mrs. Hero, love you too." Sara says as she does the same.

"Bye my loves, love you girls." My mom says waving goodbye us.

I turn to see my mom watching us with tears in her eyes.

We enter the plane and sit in our seats.

As soon as the plane takes off, I pull out my phone.

My world(Mom):

"I'm gonna miss you. Love you."

I put my phone down for a few moments and then I feel my phone vibrate.

My world(Mom):

"I'm gonna miss you too, love you."

I put my phone away and lay back in my seat.

I think to myself,

We're doing it our lives are gonna start today fulfilling our lives destiny and futures together.

I get out of my thoughts and ask Sara, 

"Our lives start now... Are you ready?" 

"Ready when you are bestie. " she responds with a huge grin.

I just return a smile and close my eyes.

Let's go...

A/N: If you haven't already realized this is my very first story hope its good and tell me what you think. 
~ Twisted.Raisa

P.s I will still continue to write.

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