We're here!

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"Welcome to sunny Los Angeles everyone."  We hear through tout the plane.

"...And if you look to your right you will seen white fluffy clouds" they say with obvious sarcasm their voice.

Sara and I look at eachother than burst out laughing.

*Barely getting off the plane*

We're here actually here its amazing, I never thought that we would actually have our dreams come true or have a life here.

As I look up from my thoughts and see someone holding a sign that said: 

"Raisa Hero and Sara Lockwood"

Sara and I look at eachother and shrug, as we start to walk towards the guy holding the sign.

"Hello I'm Trevor Moran, are you two the girls I'm supposed to pick up?" He asks

"Yes we are." I say holding my hand out to for him to shake it, he gladly grabs my hand and shakes it.

"Okay good, my mom told me that her sister had some girls coming to California, and asked if I can go pick them up." Trevor said.

"Wait so would that make you my....my cousin?" I say with a smile.

He ponders this for a bit. "I guess so." He smiles

I motioned to Sara to introduce herself to Trevor, while they go get their bags.

"Hi, I'm Sara Lockwood, Raisa's best friend." She says shyly

He smiles and holds out his hand for Sara to shake, she gladly accepted it.

"Nice to meet you Sara." He grins

I start to walk up to them.

"Shall we get going?" I ask the both of them

"Oh yeah lets go." He says grabbing his bag he had with him.

He drives us through town for a bit, showing us all the amazing sites and places you could go and eat at or even just hang out with your friends.

"So what grade are you two in?" Trevor asks heading to his house

"We're sophomores in college." we say in unison, not paying any attention.

"Really?" He says surprised, and that's when our heads jerk up.

"Yeah, I guess we don't know a lot about each other." I said getting a little sad at how we really don't know remember each other, but I smile at the thought of us finally meeting again.

"I guess not." He says, a smirk crawling up his face.

"You?" Sara buts in.

"Oh I'm a junior in high school, but I do online schooling." He says

"Do you have any friends?" I say trying not to sound rude.

"Yeah." He says and ends it there.

We sat in awkward silence for what seemed like a long time. 

I break the silence "did I offend you? If so I am so sorry."

"Oh no you didn't." He laughs and I have to say that his laugh made the rest of my day.

After that Trevor starts to talk about his friends and their adventures. We continue to talk about that the rest of the ride to his house because they actually sound really cool.

As we finish talking we pull up to a huge house, that says:

"Welcome Raisa Hero and Sara Lockwood!!"

We see all these people around the entrance of the house. 

We get out of the car and head to the house, as we get to the door Sara and I see Trevor and his friends go into a car and leave, Sara and I don't mind since we spent some time with Trevor already.

"Welcome you two! How was the flight here? Are you hungry? Thirsty?...." My Aunt Kate starts to ask,

"We're fine, we just want to hang out and catch up with the family." I say

"Okay but if you need anything just ask okay sweeties." She says to both of us

about 2 hours later everyone leaves and Trevor comes back home.

Trevor's POV

"Mom! I'm home, I'm gonna get some food and go to bed." I yell

"Oh, hey Trevor." Sara says 

I get startled at the sudden noise from Sara. 

"Oh my gosh you scared me." I chuckle

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean too, I just came to get some chips for Raisa and me."

"We've been up since its only 9:30 and we've been unpacking; As well as looking for apartments..." Sara says

"Its okay, but I'm going to sleep. Goodnight Sara." I say and walk up stairs.

"Goodnight." She smiles

A/N: Thank you guys so much (if reading my stories) for reading them I actually think I'm doing a pretty good job!!


P.s. thank you and I will still continue writing.

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