First Cities Lets Go!

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So Sara and I have a collab channel together called "SimpleFilms"

We love the name because of the irony. When we're together it's just crazy.

We ha just announced that we're going on tour! It's a US tour but hopefully next time it's like the UK or next time even worldwide!

Today is the day we go to the very first city, Phoenix, Arizona.

We got a couple of hours until we leave for the road, so Alex, David, Liza and I are hanging out while Connor and Sara are together. We all go to check out the tour bus and it's amazing

It has Sara's and my faces on the side of the bus, on the other side of the bus it has our handle  "SimpleFilms" on it, with pink, purple and black. Also on the back and front it has "SF" with our signatures.

"Hey Raisa we have to leave but we will come visit you on tour. Bye have fun!" Liza says

"Yeah have fun but not too much fun. Bye!" David says with a wink walking off with Liza while laughing.

Alex stays because he wanted to spend a little more time with me before we leave.

Alex and I just hang out for a bit. They told us we could finally go check out the tour bus so me and Alex went to go look around. 

Well for Sara she went somewhere with Connor following. They came back laughing and I told them we could check out the tour bus,

"Ummm, well no thanks." Sara says nervously while Connor is laughing at her. 

"Well okay, we leave in a bit so rap up the moment." I say laughing.

Alex and I decided to go check out the inside of the bus.

"Wow this is amazing, I might just go on tour with you." Alex says with a chuckle

"Yeah." I say laughing along

"Look at this a little dinning area, bunks, fridge, cabinets with food its all stocked up!" 

"Yep I didn't even know we were gonna be treated like this." then I see Alex looking in the cabinet,

"Babe! Can I take some sourpatch kids?!" Alex says in a laughing serious tone while I just laugh at him nodding. 

We look around to see a little more.

A little while later

We go back to the front off the bus, Alex and I see that Liza and David came back to say one more goodbye. I see all of our stuff getting loaded onto the bus. 

We all start hugging Sara and Connor hug and have a moment but is interrupted by Sam. 

Alex jumps behind me and hugs me, I already know somehow someone will get a picture of us. He holds me until it's time to get on the bus.

"Hey loser, I'll miss you" Alex says

"I'll miss you too loser" 

While walking back Alex thrusts his fist in the air referencing to my favorite movie (The Breakfast Club) 

"I love you!" Alex says laughing

"Yeah I love you...guys too" looking at Alex then back to the rest laughing. 

We are getting on but then I run up to Alex kiss him on the cheek and say

"I love you too babe!" While running back. 

I see they finally leave and I gave Alex my car until the tour is over so he takes it. Well see you soon Phoenix!

A/N: hope you guys liked that chapter next Sara's chapter! And warning it might be longer than my usual ones, but she's really good (I also recommend you Check out her story "Independent") Anyways bye see you later babes!


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