Its Different Now(Part 2)

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The next couple of days were a breeze.

"Ugh see you guys later." I say to my friends

"Okay bye." They say walking to the last period of the day.

As I'm walking I'm staring at my phone and minding my own business until...


"ah what the hell?" I say on the floor of a now empty hallway

"Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry I wasn't looking..." I cut the girl off
"Its okay its my fault." She mumbles a little as if she was afraid.

"Here let me help you." I say

I help her pick up her things and then help her up. I come face to face with the same girl from the other day, in the volleyball group and the girl I saw vlooging the other.

"Hey your that girl that I met the other day, Sara right?"

"Oh yeah... That's me." She says shyly. "Um can you help me find a class?"

She ask and I nodded she hands me her schedule and to come she has the same art class as me.

"Art. We have the same class." I smiled. I showed her the way and and she took a seat next to me.

"Class we have a new student Sara." Everyone in classed look at her sitting next to me and she was embarrassed.

"Today we are painting. Take our your easels I'll be passing out a canvas for each one of you. We are painting your personality on the canvas."

I took out my easel and Sara was confused.

"Here follow me." I stood up walking to the back where they had easels. I wrote number 19 since that wasn't taken.

"This is your number. Put it in your small cabinet after class." I explained it to her and she nodded.

We started painting. I already did my outline and started panting everything in.

I made bubble to show how I'm not that open with like a sun and moon to show that I'm happy chill person and in the middle was YouTube. I've always wanted to be a YouTuber.

The final hours of school started passing by and I finished.

I looked over at Sara's painting it showed a mirror and parts of it were shattered and this pieces laid down at the bottom of the canvas. The other pieces of the mirror had faded drawing like when you breath onto a glass.

It showed so much feeling so much detail.

"Whats yours about?" I asked curiously.

"Um I drew a mirror to represent me. Everyone looks at a mirror and see themselves but they look at me like a mirror but they don't see what I feel how I feel. So the shattered glass is my broken self all my flaws and my deepest darkest things in like or things that make me sad or not happy. Now these the pieces that are still on the mirror are what make me happy like music and YouTube. I don't really have friends or family so that's why it's all at the bottom."

Wow that's a lot of emotions. She took a glace at mine.

"Whats yours about?"

"Um this bubble represents how I'm introverted and the sun and moon show how I am happy chill person but how I also have two sides of things and the middle a YouTube because I've always wanted to do a channel."

Her face lit up.

"We could do a collaboration channel!!" She spazzed out.

"What do you say and we could be friends?" She smiled and nodded.

My painting felt incomplete until I remembered Sara saying we we're friends. After the sun mood I merged together around it with something that represents what Sara likes.

"Hey Sara what do you like?"

"Music. i like playing and listening to it."


I merged it with music note notes.

I looked over at hers and I saw my name written closely to the middle.

"Whats my name doing there?"

"Oh its there because I feel like we're going to be close and after that there is going to be a camcorder showing how you'll start a YouTube with me." Sara smiled.

Few days later

I got to know Sara pretty well over the past few days. We actually make a great team. She funny and we're both very lit and fun together.

"What do you want to call it?" I asked Sara who was already almost done eating her ice cream while I was barely at the cone.


She continued to stuff her face not caring about all the ice cream around her mouth.

"How about simplefilms?"

The end



Hey I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It's yo gurl Sara again! Raisa asked to help and I thought of this chapter like our real friendship in real life.

We both like art so I asked her how she would describe herself and that's how I get her idea from and my painting is entirely from my imagination. It may be a little sad but it was creative.

Raisa also said she wanted to start a YouTube channel together that's how the ending came.

So that's pretty much how it came to be I guess.

Bye loves!

~ fourtwentyam

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