Bad days...

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I scream into the phone with a red burning sensation in my heart and cheeks. I could tell that everyone in the bus is uncomfortable so I just tell my mom I have to go and hang up. I go to the restroom and look in the mirror and see my eyes getting watery with anger and pain. I've been fine up until my mom called me talking about school.

My mom thinks that this tour isn't important right now and I should just to go back to school. A while back me and Sara just couldn't handle all the stress so we kinda decided to take a "break" from school and focus on the tour/career.

Why does she even care?

The tour ends in like a week. I'm just gonna do the show and get my mind cleared tonight. I walk out of the restroom and standing there was Pam, JP, and Sara.

"Hey I know I should of just told her you couldn't talk... I'm sorry" JP says (and again JP is one of the roddies that helps out)

"Oh no it's okay... it's just you know one of those days" I fake a little laugh.

"Okay but just talk to me." Sara says with Pam nodding behind her.

Yeah I've been having "one of those days" for a week now. I feel like I've been telling my friends and fans that I'm okay but I'm just done with everything. I have to tell everyone what's going on...I know I'll feel better after.

A few hours later

"How's it going Denver!!" Sara screams into the mic.

All the screaming fans jumping up and down yelling out names, it's just amazing to see many people support us. We look around to see fans with signs up in the air.

"Okay everyone let's get started!!" I scream.

"Raisa let's go ahead and show them our surprise!" Sara says

"Okay" I say with a smirk

I go back stage and get the 'surprise'.

"Welcome O2L!"

Everyone starts to scream.

It was O2L's last day on tour so I asked for a little favor.

"What's up Denver how's everyone feeling tonight!" Jc screams while the others follow along. This is gonna be a great show...

An hour and a half later

Its time for my announcement.

O2L left so its just Sara and I on stage.

Here I go.

"Hey guys so its coming close to the end of the tour..." I was interrupted by 'awe's screams of no

"Well anyway I've been needing to get this off my chest so here I go..." I look over at Sara who is sitting on the stool next to mine who was giving me a smile that said 'you got this'

"Just before she says anything we love you guys and thank you so much." Sara says hugging me
All the fans take out there phones and start to record

"Okay so this second week of this tour, has been amazing but also"

I let out a sigh

"Kinda sad for me. My mom has been nagging me say oh I need to go back to school, and I finally told her no" I say with my throat getting all knotted, I couldn't breath, I felt as if the whole world stopped and it was just me.

Sara gets up from her stool and hugs me. I start to cry but not sad tears, happy tears, as if everyone just told me they love me.

"WE LOVE YOU RAISA!" the fans start screaming.

I wipe away the tears and Sara sits back down on her stool

"We can't thank you enough for this amazing time, and I'm just glad Raisa is all back to normal." Sara laughs

"She can get really annoying." She laughs while I punch her arm playfully.

Sara pulls out our vlogging camera, while I didn't notice I whisper into the mic.

"I love you guys." I smile, while she gets it all on camera.

Sara coughs interrupting, the moment and motions to the camera. We get into position.

"Okay this is Raisa and Sara" we say at the same time

"SIGNING OFF!" The crowd screams to the camera. We laugh and turn off the camera.

A/N: hope you guys liked it and yeah, oh yeah I had to think off an outro so there's a cool little thing. Bye, see you soon babes!


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