Is my life changing?!?!

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Just after the call from Liza

Does Liza seriously want me to go on a double date with David and her? She wants me to go on this double date with her and with someone that I might not even know. Is this a one time thing? Do I dress fancy. Or casual?


I decided that I'm going to go just to entertain Liza and David. Hell, I might even have fun. Okay, lets do this.

A few hours later

"Hey Raisa!" Liza says ecstatic while holding David 

"Hey!" I say in awe of their cuteness

"So who is my blind date for tonight?" 

"You'll see when we get there, we got to blind fold you since it's a surprise!" Liza says excited

We went downstairs to the parking area and got into the car and left.

It's was about a 10-20 minute ride, and I may or may not have counted each minute. We finally got there but of course I couldn't see where we were. I heard a voice that sounded familiar and then David took my blind fold off, to my surprise my "blind date" was someone I wouldn't have suspected.

"Alex?" I say relieved yet nervous.

"Hello, good evening." Alex says shyly but also in awe of me, "you look beautiful."

I was wearing a short black and white dress, that went out at the ends with my normal heart necklace and hair in waves. Also yes, this is really tacky but I had my black and white high top vans on. I know, I'm stupid.

"Oh thank you." I blush, as I get seated across from Alex. Liza next to me, and Liza across from David next to Alex.

"This is going to be an amazing night." Liza whispers to me and I smile.

An hour 1/2 later

We go back to Liza's apartment after an amazing double date and just hang out for a while.

We've been talking about their jobs and how they keep up with all the crazy things on social media. I never really mentioned my YouTube channel with Sara.

Do you think they know?

I think to myself.

"Hey you do realize that you're pretty big on social media yourself. " Alex says 

"What?" I say confused on what he's talking about. "What do you mean?" I give him another confused look.

For me being that type of person to be totally oblivious to what people are talking about I just give them all a confused glance.

"On like social media." He says again.

"I'm sorry but what are you talking about?" I say once more

"Oh I'm sorry. Do you not know what I was talking about?" 

"I know what social media is, but I don't think I know what you're talking about." I say still confused

"We haven't told her that we know yet Alex." David interrupts

"Can you just tell me what's going on?" I say irritated 

"Your YouTube channel with Sara." David bluntly states

I look at them with wide eyes. "You know about my channel."

"Yeah 'SimpleFilms'" Liza says the actual handle "We watch your guys videos all the time." Liza adds.

"You guys built a name for yourselves." David says "your fan base grows faster and faster every day."

I just now realized that these big time social media stars actually like mine and Sara's work.

Yep, the definitely knew.

A/N: Hey so guys sorry I haven't been updating but I have been really kind of busy but I promise this story will be continued. Thanks for reading and sorry it's kinda short.


P.s. so what do you think #Ralex??

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