Its Different Now (Part 1)

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Raisa's Dream

"Hey Raisa... Time to get up for school" my mom says shacking me

"Ugh just 5 more minutes..." I say all groggy

"Get up..." My sister says kicking my butt.

"Come on its 7:00" she adds

"Oh crap!" I quickly get up and start getting ready, as I finished up I think to myself.

Its the last year of middle school Raisa, you may not have a lot of friends but you'll get through this. Just one more year until highschool. Then that's even worse. Hell.

I'm interrupted by my thoughts
"Come on it 8:00 let's go" my brother says.

We walk to school messing with each other until we get on school grounds and walk our separate ways.

I walk towards the back of the bleachers to see two groups standing there. The other group had girls playing volleyball and mine... Well my group was... Let's just say crazy.

I felt so left out at times.

"Raisa!" I here my friend Amy call

"Hey guys..." I say before I was interrupted

"Duck!" A girl with brown skin, long dark brown hair and average height says.

As I see a volleyball come flying towards my face. I catch the ball before it can decapitate me.

"Sorry..." The girl says running towards me to get it.

"Hey, no its okay."

She gives me a faint smile and walks away

End of the day

"Hey guys its me again Sara and I would just like to say its the end of the day!" I over here that girl Sara say to a camera while walking home.

Oh wow that's really cool I wish I could do that and upload it to YouTube... I've always wanted to but I'm so scared of what people will say...

A/N: sorry a short chapter its because i have some pretty bad writers block and personal stuff to deal with, but there will be part 2 and maybe 3, but enjoy for now. Bye babes!


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