How did this all Start?

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So I think you guys deserve to know how Sara and I became best friends and how we started "SimpleFilms". We just ended our show in Phoenix and next is Albuquerque, NM. 

So right now I'm just thinking and remembering the beginning of how Sara and me met. It all started in grade school...


It's recess and I'm sitting alone again, I didn't really have a lot of friends for a 8 year old in the third grade. 

My teachers say I just need to be more active but I know it's because I'm just "different" is how my mom puts it. 

Today there's this new girl that skipped the whole seconde grade. Dang she must be cool, she sat down next to me and we started to talk.

"Hi!" Little Raisa says

"Hi..." the girl says shyly

"So what's your name? Mine is Raisa Hero!" 

"Oh I'm Sara Lockwood..." we continue the conversation until it's time for lunch.

I could already tell we are gonna be best friends.

Flashback ends

Wow I can't be live it's been 12 amazing years spent with Sara. As I'm in my little world I get interrupted by Sara. 

"Hey dude!" Sara says


We are on our fourth city, so we got used to the moving around a lot, and we got some roddies named Pamela but we call her Pam and Jp we've become really close to them. 

Today were at Miami, Florida.

"So what were you thinking about?" Sara asks 

"Oh just about how we first met and how all this started." 

"Oh! I remember, you were in class I had to sit next to you, I was the shy new kid, you were the weirdo!" Sara laughs

"Oh whatever!" I push her while laughing.

"Remember how we first started YouTube?" Sara says with a smile from ear to ear

"Yep like it was yesterday..."

Okay that was Cheesy... okay well fade to black(D-Trix's Line ;))

Flashback to the 9th grade

It's the first day of highschool and I don't even have my best friend here with me, Ugh.

Sara and I ended up not going to the same school and now I'm all alone here at this huge school. Sara and I are still best friends and still talk and hang out of course it's just, we had two different groups of friends in the 8th grade and they didn't really like me...

Hey but here we go.

A few months into school 
(Sara's and Raisa's texts)

Best Friend:

"Hey loser!" Sara

"Hey loser."

"Wyd?" Sara

"Nothing just got home from school, you?"



"Raisa I got a ask you something that involves you okay"


"You know how you want to be a YouTuber?"


"Well I got a new laptop and I just happened know you got a new camera." Sara texts and I already know she has on a evil looking smile.

"Yeah so...." before sara could text anything I mentally face palmed and screamed. Luckily I was walking to my house with no one around me.

"WE'RE GONNA START A YOUTUBE CHANNEL!" I rapidly texted to Sara, then my phone starts to buzz and a funny photo of Sara pops up. 

End of them texting and now the call

"So you in?" Sara screams

"Yeah of course!" I scream while jumping.

"Okay so since it's spring break starting tomorrow after school, we have to meet up and work on our banner" Sara says getting serious

"Okay how about after school tomorrow, lol?" I say


End of flashback

"Haha haha we had some crazy days!" I say laughing

"Yeah..." Sara says while her smile starts to fade.

"I miss those days, we had so much fun." 

"I know right."

Wow I just realized that got a little sad right there, it's just me and Sara went through some rough times in high school, but we stayed together through it all.

"Hey Raisa your mom called again, do want to call her back?" JP asked

"No, I'll call her later" 


A/N: okay so I'll leave the back story for the high school thing for a different chapter, but I hope you liked it I know I had a hard time writing it, but if you have any chapter suggestions please comment or DM if you want.


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