The Night Before

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Alex's POV

So Connor and Sara are fondly asleep together, David and Liza are chuck knows where and are doing chuck knows what. 

While Raisa and I are just on the couch laying down together. 

I hear her soft voice ask me, "So Alex what are we? Are we dating or?" 

"Well you tell me?" I kiss her on the cheek

"Well we've been hanging out together for about 6 months now so...?" Shes says.

Then we hear David and Liza come out laughing.

"We heard everything you guys were talking about and yes your dating! Losers" David says with Liza laughing. 

They finally go back to the room and I don't know for how long, but there was awkward silence in the room, then out of nowhere we see Sara and Connor get up and go into the guest room.

Again, you little nasties, they're just sleeping.

"So that makes it official, I guess. We are dating." I tell her looking straight into her dark brown beautiful eyes. 

"Okay... that's amazing!"

"So well I was wondering what was gonna happen since I'm going on tour for about somewhat weeks?" She sighs

"I trust you. I trust that you won't let anything come between us." I say with a more serious voice. 

"I trust you too. I love you."

"I love you too." 

A few moments later

The next few things we talk about aren't really important like random crap.

Then all of a sudden Liza and David pull out David's vlogging camera and point is at us, of course were stupid and didn't notice until he says, 

"Look at the cute little couple" and starts to laugh with Liza.

We both kinda jump up and sit up like nothing just happened because at that moment in time we were watching a movie while cuddling. 

Raisa and I are have told our friends and family but we haven't told the internet/fans yet. 

Yes, I know its been 6 months of dating like damn, but I think we are actually ready to announce that were dating. I don't know when though.

"Hey what's up you guys it Raisa and right now it's 2:34 in the morning..." Raisa pulls out her vlogging camera.

I love how she can just get lost in what she likes to call "her world", I was staring in awe, until she snapped asking me something,

"What did you say?" I ask her 

"That we have something to tell them, are you ready?" she says 

I knew she wanted to announce that we're we're dating so she made up skit with David, Liza, Connor and Sara. 

"Of course." I smile.

"Okay ready guys?" She says

"One." I say

"Two." David and Liza say

"Three!" Sara and Connor say.

As we said that, David and Liza hold up a sign that says: "they're getting married."

 And Connor and Sara hold up a sign that says: "shes pregnant."

"We're dating!" We both say to the camera. 

I turn around to see them holding up the signs "ah god dammit guys, not those announcements." I say, as they all laugh.

I lean in for a kiss, as does she until she moves her face away,

"Okay, that's all for today." She says laughing, she brings Sara to the front with her, "this is Raisa and Sara signing off." They smile while doing the peace signs.

(yes I know David and Liza do all that stuff that I just wrote, and yes I did get the idea from them.)

They turn off the camera and put it away. We turn off all the lights as we finally go to sleep. 

A/N: hope you enjoyed this chapter! And yasss #Ralex is official, sorry for all you girls who love Alex. (Sara hope you enjoy this chapter)


A/N: This chapter man I just couldn't 😂😂😂

Ps y'all will be seeing this at the end of the chapters more often.


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