Last Day

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Its the last day on tour!!! Ahhhhhh

I've had so much fun on this tour

Since our last day is a big fun day we are on our way to New York City! Supposedly O2L, David, Liza and Alex are supposed to be there as well. Right now Sara is sleeping and I'm just waiting for NYC.


We have arrived at NYC and got a hotel for tonight. Sara and I took out our luggage and went to our hotel room. I took a quick shower while Sara ordered pizza.
About 10 minutes later I get out just in time cause the pizza came. I was sitting at on the bed watching supernatural when there was a knock at the door, I got up clearly annoyed that I had to pause my favorite show, but got up anyway. I opened the door then

"RAISA!!" Liza Screams
Sara comes out from the bathroom with a look of horror on her face.

"Hey Liza!" Sara says

"SARA!" Liza screams again

"Okay dude calm down or they'll get noise complaints." David says laughing to Liza

The Alex walks in I immediately hug him tight, Sara walks back into the bathroom, then when she leaves all of O2L walk in coming screaming our names.

"Hey Sara come out your favorite youtuber is here!" Connor yells

"Nigahiga?" Sara screams from the bathroom.


"Oh! IIsuperwomenII?"

"No... again."

"Oh! I know now..."

"Thank goodness..." Connor was cut off by Sara


"Oh god dammit Sara" Connor says laughing with the others.

Sara walks out of the bathroom laughing and hugs Connor tight but awkwardly. We all hug each other, and all head down to the meet and greet for Sara and I.

"Wait so we're crashing your meet and greet?!?" Kian says

"Yeah I guess" Sara says

"Yasssssss" Ricky says with a lot of sass.

an hour later

"Hello New York City!" Raisa yells while vlogging with David.

"Who's ready to meet some awesome people today?!" Sara screams.

One by one everyone of our fans comes up to us and has a mini fan girl moment in front of us. I think its so cute because me and Sara were and still are massive fan girls.

O2L to my left having a blast and to my right is David, Liza and Alex also having so much fun, Alex is smiling ear to ear and laughing with all the fans.
Sara and I are just so happy we got to experience this.

At the show

"So Raisa have you ever thought what it would be like if you've never started YouTube?" A fan says with all eyes on me

"Or if you never met Sara??" Another one adds.

"I've never actually thought about it" I admitted

"I have... When I get sad sometimes." Sara says with a small smile that immediately fades.

"Oh..." Is all I could manage to say.

2 hours later

Its been over 2 hours since our tour officially ended. I'm laying on the hotel bed with Alex, Connor, Sara and the rest went to the movies.

We are actually gonna spend a little more time here. I just want to lay down and sleep, I keep on trying to but I can't get that stupid question out of my head.

"Have you ever thought of what it would be like if you didn't start YouTube??" That girl says

"Or never met Sara" the other girl adds.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and look up to see that I forgot Alex was laying with me.

"Hey babe you should get some rest, I'll be laying with you if you need anything" Alex says

"Oh... Okay." I says sleeplessly
I quickly kiss him and lay to the side.

I'll just forget about the question and just fall a sleep.

A/N: hoped you liked it! next chapter will be like Raisa's dream and so it might be a bit confusing. Anyway see you babes, bye!


P.s. Also in the dream Sara and I go to the same school. Bye babes!

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