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Next few days

Sara and I finally finished unpacking everything and putting it in our new apartment. We have all our furniture, all our bed sets set up and our rooms finished so now it's just personal items that need to be dealt with.

"So Raisa, when do you think we'll be done?" Sara asks 

"Done with hanging our fairy lights or our posters and pictures?" I ask.

"All?" She responded.

"About tomorrow." I say calmly.

I look out our door and see our neighbors: David, Liza and Alex walk by.

We've actually gotten to know them very well. The three of them are really cool. Liza Koshy, David Dobrik, Alex Ernst. We found out that we are all 19 so that was pretty easy friendship starter.

"Hey!" All three of them say cheerfully.

"Hey, how's it going?"

"Good, and you?"

"Great we just need some small things up and then we're all moved in!" I say happy.

"Oh we can help" they ask with absolutely no problem.



"Hell. Finally someone offers to help." Sara sighs, and they just laugh.

A few hours later

We plopped down on the black couch in the living room and just sighed. We finally got all our stuff moved in, and situated. It is such a nice feeling to knowing that you are "adulting" the right way. 

"We should have a good old fashion housewarming party" Liza screams out of nowhere

"Yeah we will handle everything you guys just sit down and relax" David yells jumping up from the coach.

"See you guys" Alex says running out of the apartment with them.

Later on 

"Oh so we never asked you guys but what do you guys do for like work?" Sara asks

"oh we're viners..." Liza laughs

"Wait what?" I say surprised

"Yeah, like 6 second videos... That are funny, it's basically our life" Alex explains

"Yeah some of us even have YouTube channels" Gabbie interrupts 

"Watch we'll show you..." David proceeds to show us how to make a vine. As if we didn't know how to already, but we let them continue anyway.

 They finish making the vine then David gives us his phone to show us.

"Here look!" David motions to us,

"We've actually gotten pretty good at our jobs, we work with other viners as well." Gabble adds

 I mentally face palmed.

 I am so stupid how can I not have figured this out earlier.

"OH.MY.CHUCK." I scream.

As I do so they look at me petrified, and proceeds to ask what's wrong as well as Sara.

 "I am so stupid." I say. 

They continue to look at me very confused.

 I had just realized that my neighbors are famous viners. Then following my realization Sara just stares in awe.

"I am so sorry for that scare but I couldn't remember why you guys look so familiar. It's because when I first saw you I thought 'oh well they look familiar' and now not only me but Sara also knows where you guys are from." I say out of breath.

While they all continue to laugh, I grab my phone and take a picture of all of us.

A/N: Sorry I haven't written in like 3 days I had school and the weekend, but now in all seriousness I will continue to write. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy


P.s. more viners and youtubers to come... maybe

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