Are you happy now??

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I shot up from the hotel bed

"Wow..." I said panting to myself.

I look around to see that I had thrown all my blankets and covers off of me, I was sweating and panting. I felt as if I had just had nightmare, but I know I didn't. I get up off the bed to find a note on the nightstand it read:

I went out for a bit, to give you some space, hope you don't mind. Call me when you're up I'll come back with food. Hopefully you're feeling better.
I love you.

Love Alex.

I put the note down and went straight for the shower. 

I get out and put on my black ripped skinny jeans, with my plain grey sweater, and high top skater vans, and called Alex...

"Hey!" He picks up

"Hey babe..." I sigh

"Are you feeling better, when I got up you threw all you covers off?" He says a worried.

"Oh yeah... sorry about that, but yes I'm feeling much better." I pipe up

"Are you sure?" He says still a little worried

"Yes. I promise." 

"Okay... I trust you."

After a few minutes of us having a normal conversation, he tells me to come to the dinning hall, then he said that the group had made a reservation. 

"Okay, I'm coming" I say and hang up.

Down in the dinning room

I look in to see all the lights are off. 

"Oh they better not be pulling a prank on me right now."  I say under my breath.

As I'm about to go back to my hotel room the lights flicker on and everyone jumps out and yells "surprise!" In unison. I can feel a huge smile on my face going from ear to ear. Then all of a sudden I see Sara running towards me with her arms wide open. She jumps on me and says

"You're my best friend, you know I love you!" She says as tears of joy start running down her face. 

"I love you too!" I say.

1 1/2 hours later

Everyone is sitting around on the floor with blankets covering them, I'm in Alex's arms and Sara is in Connor's. I smile. 

" guys are amazing." I say

"You know all of this is because of you." David says holding Liza 

"You had faith, trust..." Gabbie was cut off by Liza 

"and pixie dust!" Liza adds

Everyone starts to laugh. We are a family. We love each other.

"Are you happy now?" Heath asks

"The happiest I'll ever be!" 

Sara pulls out our vlog camera, to finish out outtro.

"This is Sara and Raisa signing off..." 

everything goes black

"I love you guys" I say one last time before ending the video.

                                                               The End. 

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