Time of my life.

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(sorry I didn't have a picture of Zane AND Heath so I decided to put fetus Zane!)

"What do you think? Do you think it's obvious that I like Connor?" Sara franticly says

"Of course it's so obvious. You can tell he likes you as well." I say. 

Sara and Connor have been kinda having a thing going on since they first met each other, after a couple of days of Connor working up the courage to ask her out. 

They're not official yet, even though they should be, but then again neither are Alex and I.

"Anyway!" Sara interrupts, "This is not just about me, it's about the both of us. So lets get this party started!"

Zane and Heath's POV

Everyone is having fun. All the "adults" drinking, while Raisa, Alex, Sara, Liza, and David are not drinking. Connor is with them. He is old enough to drink, but he decided not to.

Zane looks at them "Wow, come on live a little." He laughs

"I'll live a little over here, if you don't mind." I chuckle and the rest of them nodding in agreement.

*clinks of glass*

"Everyone I got a speech for my baby girls Sara and Raisa!" Heath says with his glass in his hand.

Also Heath calls everybody baby girl.

"So congrats on the tour! For one thing, Sara and you have been doing an amazing job during the time you have been here. All of us are really impressed on the growth of all three of your channels. God has blessed you guys with an amazing life so far, and we all know it's just going to get better from here."

"Also baby girl Alex and you are the cutest." Raisa and Alex both blush a bright red.

"So are Connor and Sara!" Zane yells from the back, while a deep blush crawls up their faces.

Heath continues until he kinda passes out.

Raisa's POV 

All of us minors, including Connor leave and head over to Liza's apartment.

Alex and I are on the couch together with David and Liza on the couch together as well and then Connor and Sara are sitting together on the love couch. 

My legs are crossed with Alex's while he has his arm around my waist.

All of us sitting there and just hunging out. Enjoying eachothers company. We hadn't even stayed up that long when we saw: Connor and Sara asleep in eachothers arms on the love couch and we just have to take a picture of them cause of how cute they are, then we notice: Liza and David get up and go to Liza's bedroom. 

Oh calm down you nasties, they're going to sleep.

I look at Alex and smile "I guess it's just you and me." 

"I guess." He smiles while hugging me.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy and your welcome Sara.

(she said she likeed Connor so I put them together, I'm sorry if I offended someone by making Connor straight).


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