A Great Day.

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Next few days

"Raisa! Come down." Sara yells rushing me.

"We get got to go look at the apartment we found!" She rushing me even more.

"Okay coming!" I yell back running down stairs with my shoes in my hands, my flannel around my waist and my hair in a messy bun.

The time since Sara and I have been here we've been looking for a apartment. We've been searching for a few days and now we think we've finally found one that we both love, while it still fit our budget. It's in a complex full of other apartments almost like a hotel.

We go to open the door to leave but before we do my aunt stops us.

"Hey you're not going with out saying goodbye are you?" Aunt Kate says.

"No..." we drag our feet over to her

We give my aunt a big bear hug.

"Bye aunt Kate." We say in unison.

"Bye my weirdos." She waves.

We leave the house and get in my car that has been I guess shipped here from Las Cruces and drive to the apartment complex.

At the Complex

We park near the complex and get out of my car, as we get out we stare at it in awe. It's a huge, white and black complex.

"Okay, this looks so awesome already." I say in awe.

"I know right..." Sara also in awe

We walk inside and we are in even more shock because it's so nice, with silver and black now. We get up to the receptionists desk

"Hi, we came to check out the apartment for rent." I say

"Names?" The lady says

"Raisa Hero and Sara Lockwood." This time Sara says.

"Okay." She picks up the phone and calls someone "okay our staff member that will be helping you guys, is over there near the elevator, he is going to show you the apartment." She points over to the guys who seems to be in his mid 20's near the elevator.

 We enter the elevator with the young man.

"So you guys are here for the apartment right?" The guy says.

"Yeah, Is it good?" Sara asks

"Its pretty amazing." He says

 Right after he finished saying that, two guys and one girl came into the elevator with us before it left. They looked at us and smiled so I smiled back cause Sara and that guy weren't paying attention. They actually look pretty familiar. 

I noticed they were staring at us and Sara seemed to notice to since she smiled at them a said hi. We all just awkwardly stood there until they started to talk to us.

"You guys are here the apartment?" One guy asked


"Well welcome" the other guy added

The elevator stops and all of us step out as we're about to walk our separate ways one guys stops.

"See you around neighbors. " The other boy added, with the girl next to him smilling.

We just stood as they walked away.

"Thanks...Neighbors." Sara said awkwardly

We finally got to the apartment and took a look around the apartment it was amazing: Four rooms, and two bathrooms, a dinning area, kitchen and living room. We had more than enough space. 

Sara and I went back downstairs while the guy locked up, and we talked to the interviewer and signed some papers then bam, the apartment was ours.

A/N: Thank you guys so much (to who ever is reading this) for the support I guess and I just hope you guys like it


P.s. Will continue... Remember that.

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