Meeting more

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"Hey Raisa! Hey Sara!" Trevor loudly screams from the locked door of our apartment. 

"Come open the door! hurry!" He says rushing us as we barely get out of bed.

"Oh my God Trevor were coming calm your tits." Sara says half a sleep.

We walk to the front door all groggy, with bed hair. I have on my short short navy blue Nike shorts on with a tie dye tank top on, while Sara has on basketball shorts and a T-shirt. Can you see are little differences? 

We open the door to see Trevor standing there, we were about to let him in when five other guys jumped out from the sides of the door, making Sara and I jump. Sara immediately starts to try and fail at fixing her bed head while I just stand there with a resting bitch face. Trevor looks at us then laughs and introduces us to his friends.

"So, guys this is Raisa my cousin and her best friend Sara." He say towards to guys. "I know I never really got a chance to introduce you to my friends at the welcoming party but I am doing it now, so yeah." He chuckles.

"Okay." I say nearly falling a sleep.

"Okay, lets start." He says taking in a big breath.

"This is Sam Pottorff." Smiles a short skinny teen with rosy cheeks.

"This is Jc Caylen." a taller older guy with curly hair throws up a peace sign and I give it back.

"This is Kian Lawley." Another taller, skinny teen with a few tattoos gives us a small shy smile.

"This is Connor Franta." He points to a older guy that seemed to be Sara's height. He was on his phone then looked up when his name was called, and waved with a grin.

"And last but not least, Ricky Dillon." The tallest, most muscular guy looked at us and smiled.

I started to internally scream my lungs out. I looked at all of them and smiled.  I didn't realize that my cousin was friends with... wait no back-up, best friends with O2-freaking-L! They have all been my inspiration since I've started YouTube.

Also I've might've had a little crush on Ricky.

 They all just stand there with a blank face. I finally realize that I was just standing there with a huge grin on my face, just staring at them.

Creepy, yes I know.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ricky asks

I stop staring and finally answer him, "Oh, yes of course." I smile. 

"You sure?" Kian adds.

"Yeah" I sheepishly smile.

 In the corner of my eye I see Sara yawn and walk back to her room. Don't get me wrong she is a big fan of O2L but it's really early in the morning and she stays up late so she needs her beauty sleep. Hell. I'm still tired.

Hour after Sara finally woke up

"I'm sorry about that little scare earlier." I say shyly.

"Oh it's cool." Connor says

"While you were in the restroom Sara came down from her little cave and told us about Ricky." As Jc points out.
I could feel my cheeks brighten up with red of embarrassment. I just look at him and smile.

I look over to Sara and she is just dying over there on her chair. I speak up.

"Hey, I'm fine with it, I'm kinda over it." I look around to Ricky, "no offense." I chuckle

"Oh non taken." He laughs also, "Hey we got to go but see you later okay!" Ricky says with a smile.

"Bye" I say quietly, while Ricky gives me a huge hug, and then goes to hug Sara.

Everyone else hugs us to, and I see Connor blush when he hugs Sara and I smirk.

"Bye!" They all say while waving

Then out of no where I get a call from Liza asking if I want to go on a double date with her and David. 

She told me she has someone in mind for me, but who?

A/N: Hey sorry guys I haven't been posting a lot I've been really stressed out lately, but I'm back so here we go! I wonder who Raisa is going on a date with??


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