Sara's Pov

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(I never really get to do Sara's POV so here's a chapter in it. Lol hope you enjoy! Also mine and Sara's convo^^😂😂) (it's my turn to take over muhahahaha have fun)

Our first City was Phoenix Arizona the place me and Raisa first met. Our tour bus was really cool I haven't been on one before so as usual I explored the bus while Raisa was with Alex and them.

I wasn't allowed to go on since no one was on the bus but my curiosity took over and I found myself inside the bus. I closed the entrance to the bus and walked up the stairs and sat in the driver's seat sadly no passenger. It was a comfy black leather seat but I found that it had A SEAT WARMER! I "accidentally" turned on the warmer. It feels so good but I had more to explore until Raisa goes looking for me.

When I turned off the seat warmer I went to the front to take a view. It was huge! The front looked like a small dining area and big windows on the sides. The seat were red and leather as for the tables they were some type of smooth black.

I kept going straight to find the kitchen. The white refrigerator along with the cabinets. I looked into the fridge and holy cheeses Christ. I was in heaven.

Food and drinks! Maybe there some in the cabinets? I quickly closed the fridge and opened the closes cabinet. Hoping nobody comes it I check and I eagerly open a small bag of sour patch kids. I took my bag closed the cabinet and continued to explore.

I came to the sleep room I guess? They were four bunks two on each side. But why four? Because Liza, David and Alex are busy with there own things and Connor and the rest of O2L are going on tour as well.

I felt one of the beds and they were surprisingly comfy. I kept eating my bag of sour patch kids. It was the end of the bus. The bathroom and kinda like a living room. A couch that almost went around the small room. It was cool and cute.

I looked to the window think about how Raisa and I made it this far. It been our dream since grade school and now we're finally living it. I smiled just think about how far SimpleFilms will go. I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me I squirmed because I didn't know what other sound I'd make to be quite.

"It's okay its just me" Connor laughed letting go. "You know I don't like that. It's awkward." The tone of my voice was mad then it was shy. Connor laughed "that's what I love about you!" He pulled me into a hug making it even more awkward for me at least, Connor was taking this whole thing as an advantage you can say.

"You know I'm not good at all this boyfriend girlfriend awkwardness.." I pulled away from his hug only to get pulled into a tighter hug. "Your the perfect girlfriend" he smiled showing all his teeth. I giggled "your so cheesy" pushing him. "Only for you!" He laughed. "I swear stop being cheesy" I laughed. I can't take him seriously when he does this. "You do know that it's only been like three weeks right?" I asked smiling taking a seat. "Duh" he chuckled.

"We better get going before Raisa comes looking for me" I smiled getting up. "Right. Raisa's already looking for you" he stood up giving me his most adorable smile. "Why didn't you tell me? Ah never mind but how did you find me?" I couldn't resist his cute smile.

"I wanted to spend time with you and I know you so is that even a question?" He chuckled. "But she thinks your somewhere calling your parents. Wait when can I meet them?" he looked over to me. Well um wtf am I supposed to say? "Connor chill you'll meet them someday" I chuckled.

"Lets go" I smiled pulling Connor off the couch. "Carry me" he pretty much plopped himself on me. What have I got myself into. "Okay" I smiled and gently laid Connor on the floor. "What are you doing?" Connor has a hit of worry in his voice and I just smiled. I picked up his feet and started dragging me. "Sara stop I'm getting dirty!" Connor shouted but started to laugh.

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