Thank you!

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The next day

I start to tear up as I remember the words that came out of Liza's mouth.I couldn't believe what was happening. 

Then all of a sudden it all hits me: how were we going to get this all this started and organized?!? 

We kinda had a "wild" night while partying with Zane and Heath. Actually you haven't partied if you haven't partied with them.

So the minors decided to hang out at Liza's for the night.

"Raisa!" Sara yells at me

"It's time to get up we have a meeting at 12:00"

"What time is it?" I ask 

I look at my phone and It's 8:00 am, last night Liza, David, Alex, Sara, Connor and I went over to Liza's since we weren't able to drink, and just stayed up late. 

"Okay let me get ready." I say trying to get up.

It was kinda hard getting out of Alex's lock on me.

Later that day

"Some amount of weeks, 30 cities, and here's the catch you get to bring other people on the tour with you." The agent said

We look at eachother and smile. Being able to bring our friends onto the tour with us will be amazing. We already know who we are gonna bring on tour with us.

"Really that's great! We can have the time of our lives." Sara says 

When we are together we love to vlog almost everything but you know we cut it done to 4-5 minutes each vlog.

Time lapse

So we're going to Zane and Heath's because literally everyone is there all the time.

The door goes flying open, with wind in our hair, and smoke everywhere, of at least that's what was happening in Sara's mind.

"Okay guys we have an announcement!" Sara yells while we walking in with the door still wide open.

Sara tends to make "dramatic" entrances.

A/n: I'm so sorry I haven't been updating (or stopped) it's because I thought my stories weren't very good so I just like stopped and unpublished but I'll publish the chapters one by one. 


P.S. sorry this chapter is kinda short and S/O to my best friend Sara (who is based off the character in my story, also shes gonna write a chapter of my story in her POV) for telling me to continue.

(Also I have this chapter w/ just Alex and Raisa talking coming after this okay)

A/N: (I'm the most dramatic person you will ever meet but it's fun when your with me haha nope nvm I don't know what I'm like!)

You see this is what happens when you have me write a story in you chapter but y'all better vote and comment because this story is gonna be lit. Byeee 


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