Chapter Four

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"NO!" I jolted up from my sweaty pillow.

Harry Styles killed my parents?


Meredith's P.O.V

"Meredith! What happened?!" Lindsey ran into my room. I looked around me to see I'm still in my room. I felt my forehead to feel sweat all over me.

"I just had a bad dream. Or you could call it a nightmare," I replied. My voice was dry and croaky. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lindsey came and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'd rather not." I murmured not wanting to remember the nightmare. Usually when I have bad dreams or nightmares, I forget it by the morning but this one, I remember every detail. 

"Are you okay?" Lindsey asked.

"I'm fine," I uttered looking away. If I looked Lindsey by the eye, she will know that I'm lying. It's a gift she has. She can tell when someone is lying.

"Where's Michael?" I asked after a long silence.

"He left for work. I'll be leaving in a few. Are you well enough to go to school?" She questioned.

"Yeah," I said while getting up and making my way to the bathroom.

I sat down on the toilet seat and started sobbing. 

Did that dream really happen? Did Harry really kill my parent?

So many questions were running through my head while I quietly sobbed. What if that dream wasn't true and Harry never killed my parents? The dream has to mean something. I can't just have a dream about my parent. And why does it have to be Harry out of all people?

Then I remember something. Harry asked me would I still love him. LOVE.

I kissed him in the dream. Well not really kissed but pecked but still. My lips touched his. I don't remember the feeling of his lips. I don't even remember his smile!

This is so confusing! I should just go to school and ask him. But then what if he didn't kill my parents. He would think I'm some mad woman who is waiting to get into the mad house.

I wiped my tears with the back of my sleeves. I looked at myself in the mirror above the sink.

My eyes were swollen and red from the crying. My cheeks were dark pink. My lips were dry and crusty. My hair was all over the place. It was not even in the plat, that I put yesterday!

I can't go to school like this. I stripped off my clothes and put my hair in the shower cap. I'll wash my hair after school. I don't even think I have enough time to clean myself.

I took a quick shower and got out wrapping myself with a towel. I took the shower cap off and then brushed my teeth and then washed my ugly face.

I walked into my room to see the bed made and the curtains pulled to the side making the morning sunlight light my room.

I went to my closet and wore the first things I saw. 

[Outfit on the side]

I looked okay. 

I grabbed my bag and put my phone in it and ran downstairs. I looked at the time on my phone and it read 7:53am. I have 7 more minutes until class starts. 

"Lindsey, I'm running a bit late!" I yelled and headed out the door after hearing a 'bye' from Linds.

I rushed in the car and started driving in minutes. 

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