Chapter Forty-Nine

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Author's Note: So pretty much everyone freaked out. I was not planning on what happened but it just came and I was all like "Hey what if I put this?" and that's how the last chapter was born. My friend called me after 5 minutes later after I updated and she was crying. CRYING! I got a huge lecture from my friends and it was torture so yeah! Here's the chapter! Enjoy!

Meredith's P.O.V

"Harry didn't like this so he proposed." The words hit me like rocks falling down a huge mountain. 

Harry? Proposed? What?!

"Harry is fucking married?!"  

I felt the whole room spin as the words fell out of my mouth in a scream. I'm sure everyone downstairs heard but I didn't care since my thoughts were frozen as I tried processed everything. 

Harry was married? Harry was in love? Harry fucking proposed! 

My breathing wasn't normal and it felt like there wasn't anymore oxygen to breathe in. The thought of Harry married made the tears fill my eyes but I refused to let them fall out. Not in front of Zayn of course. He will just feel bad and pity me and I don't need that right now. 

I sat there as my hands shook but no words came out of my mouth. I felt simply frozen. I couldn't cry, I couldn't move, I couldn't bloody breathe! 

"Meredith?" Zayn's voice echoed in my ear. I felt like I was in a metal box and the noise around me were so distant but Zayn's voice was clear enough for me to understand. 

"Meredith? Are you okay?" He asked. I didn't answer which made him come closer and sit right next to me. "Say something," He whispered. 

I closed my eyes making tears come down. I tried so hard to keep them in but it felt like my eyelids couldn't hold it back. It was like trying to stop a waterfall. 

Zayn wrapped his arms around me and I didn't hesitate to hug him back and bury my face in his neck. I tried to pull myself together but I couldn't do anything but hold Zayn tighter and sob softly. I heard Zayn whisper 'shhh' in my ear and he rubbed my back which calmed me down a bit. 

I wanted to thank Zayn for being here but I couldn't since I couldn't find my voice. 

I had so many questions swarming around in my head and I wanted to ask Zayn so badly but I doubt he would answer them after me freaking out like this and crying like a pathetic child. 

Zayn pulled his face out of my hair which I'm sure was a huge mess by now, and looked at me. He brought his hand up and wiped my tears away. I sighed as I felt weak and wasn't crying anymore. 

What was there to cry for anymore? I wasted most of my tears on his ass and now I am a crying mess! I can't go a week without crying when back home I barely cried even when there was times when I should've cried. And now I cry over this one boy who took over my life but never would treat me the way I want him to. 

I shook the thoughts away from my head because I knew I would cry again if I do. 

"You need to freshen up and get some sleep. You can't waste your tears on him Meredith. I know it hurts but you can't change Harry. No one could," He told me. He was right though. 

I couldn't change him. 

Every time someone reminds me, I think otherwise. I should stop trying even though I never listen to myself. I did the biggest sin by bringing Harry in my life. 

I nodded and got out of Zayn's arms and stood but just to fall on the bed again. "Do you need a walking assistant like Tori too?" Zayn joked making me give him a small smile. He got up and grabbed my arms and walked me to the bathroom. Just as I walked in, his phone vibrated in his pocket. 

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