Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Author's Note: I'm sure you guys hate me now. I haven't been updating for a while and I am super sorry. I will try to update more but it won't be everyday anymore. Sorry but I became more lazy if that was even possible. I barely do my homework anymore. Anyways here's the chapter! Hope you guys like it!

Meredith's P.O.V

I stood in front of the closet looking for something nice to wear to the date. Yup, today is Friday night and the date with Zayn. 

I was nervous as fuck but I was also excited. I mean after this date I might actually fancy Zayn and forget about Harry. It will be hard as hell but I'll survive. 

I didn't go to school today since one, I woke up late and two, I did not want to face Harry. Even though I'm sure he would ignore me like usual and go snogging Tori or Molly, I didn't want to see his face. It will make the dark hole in my heart grow even more bigger and  I did not want that. 

I hope Zayn can repair my heart. 

There was knock on the door which made me groan. I walked over to the door and swung it open to see Danielle and Eleanor. 

"What do you guys want?" I asked annoyingly letting them in and closing the door behind. "Well hello to you to," El replied.

"What's gotten into your pants?" Dani asked plopping onto my bed El joining her seconds later. 

"I'm getting ready for my date with Zayn." I answered. 

"Woah woah woah! Date with Zayn?!" Eleanor yelled. "Thanks El. Now the whole world knows," I replied rolling my eyes. 

"You never told us you were going on a date with Zayn." Dani said. "I didn't? I thought I did," I responded.

"Well you didn't. Now tell her everything. When the hell did all of this happen?" El squealed. I giggled.

"It was in the library. We.......kissed.......again. And he asked me out." I replied. 

"And you said yes?" Dani questioned. "Yeah, I mean why not? Zayn is so sweet." I answered.

"I know that but do you think Harry would like it? You know, you dating his best friend." Dani said.

"I can care less about Harry right now. He is a fucking dick and I can't stand him anymore. I'm going on a date with Zayn and he can't stop me." I replied. 

"Now are you guys going to help me get ready because I only have an hour before Zayn gets here," I whined. They jumped up right after I said that. They pushed me onto my spinney chair and started with everything. 

5  i n u t e s  t e r

"You can look now," Dani exclaimed pushing my to my mirror. I laughed but went in front of my mirror. 

Oh my mother loving god! I looked amazing. 

[Outfit on the side]

"I look awesome!" I exclaimed. "You can thank us later. Now we only have 5 minutes before that door bell is going to ring. Now here," El rushed shoving a clutch in my hand.

They both pushed me out the door while I laughed. I jogged downstairs. Thank god they made me wear boots. I was not going to wear heels. I had enough of that shit this week.

Just as my foot touched the last step, the door bell rang. My stomach turned and the nervousness came back. 

Okay I should calm down. I mean it's just a date with Zayn. That's all. 

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