Chapter Sixty-Eight

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(Thank you SO much so 32 votes for the last chapter. You don't even want to start comprehending the excitement. Anyways it would be awesome if you kept surprising me like that. Maybe one day I'll meet 100 votes for a chapter but I know that's a long way from now. Maybe at least reaching to 40 votes would be a goal. Just click the 'VOTE' button and please make me happy.)

Meredith's P.O.V

All air that had managed to fill my lungs had came out and I was lost of oxygen. My thoughts were jumbled up in one big hair ball and if it were to explode than honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised. I stared into the same eyes that were owned by the guy I loved only a few feet away.

Harry has a twin. Why didn't he tell me? Oh fuck, does everyone like to keep things from me?

"W-what?" I stuttered out not able to make any other words come out of my mouth that felt like was stuffed with thick mashed potatoes.

"Harry said you were hot but he didn't say how hot exactly. Now that I actually get to see you, I am having a hard time not to just rip your clothes off and fuck you right here," His words made me cringe.

"Hunter," I heard Harry's voice say in a warning tone making me shiver. Why wasn't he showing himself. Why the fuck was I here in the first place.

"I was just kidding, brother John." Hunter teased chuckling. "I don't do brunettes."

Am I supposed to be offended by this comment? Either way, I was slightly happy that he wasn't interested. In the stage I was in right now, I think he can rape me and I won't be able to struggle in anyways since both my damn arms are tired up and my legs were barely touching the ground.

"W-what do you want from me?" I asked trying to keep my voice steady since I was scared shit less right now. I tried to ignore all the question about how I got here, why was Harry here and how he was letting these people do this to me but as time passed, I felt myself on the edge of curiosity and I was dying to know. I was so confused and I just wanted to sleep.

"Not much, darling." Hunter answered leaving me even more confused. I took this time to take in his appearance. He looked like Harry, that was for sure since they were twins. But he had some different features. His nose was longer and his lips were thinner than Harry's. I couldn't say Hunter wasn't attractive because he really was but I didn't care right now.

I was pissed off at whoever brought me here and tied me up. I was also pissed at Harry who wouldn't fucking show his face unless he was tied up too but by the way he was acting, I could tell he wasn't. I would've heard him struggle and a river of swear words would've spilled out his mouth but he was actually calm.

"Let me go!" I finally got the balls to say. Hunter looked taken aback and I didn't blame him since I startled myself too.

"Not yet, darling, not yet. We need to get a few things done before we let you go."

"What the hell do you want from me? I didn't do anything to you people. I don't even know you for God's sake!" I exclaimed getting angrier and my tone gave it away as well.

"Calm down there cupcake, you-"

"Shut up!" I screamed at him. My breathing was heavy and I couldn't control my anger anymore. I was hurt and this damn ropes weren't helping either.

"How do you deal with her, Harry. She's a heavy piece of work," Hunter chuckled. I glared at him as he tried to brush my anger off. I am sick of him already but what made me think I would fancy him in the first place. He was part of the Styles family and we all know how fucked up Harry is since he is letting these people hang his girlfriend up like a fucking animal!

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