Chapter Eight

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Meredith's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my fucking alarm clock. I groaned loudly. I had a huge head ache and my head felt heavy. I can hear the rain pouring outside. 

What a wonderful day, isn't it? 

My day back to school and it has to start like this? Pain. Why am I deserving you?

I sat up making me groan again since my head ache grew. Why couldn't I have this head ache yesterday so I didn't have to lie?

I got out of the comfy bed and went into the bathroom. I looked like a mess. My hair was in knots and was a horrid mess. I had dark circles under my eyes. I was about to fall asleep right there standing but then I heard my phone ring from the bedroom. 


I strolled over back to my bedroom to see El was calling. Might as well answer it.

"Hello?" My voice was all goggly if that was even a word.

"Oh my god Meredith! Where are you! I have been calling non-stop!" She yelled through the phone. I winced from the loudness.

"El, not right now. I have a killer head ache," I groaned rubbing my head.

"Do you have a hangover?" She asked softer.

"No, I just have a head ache," I replied.

"Well, take some Advil or something because I'm coming to pick you up whether you like or not. Everyone has been worried sick!" She exclaimed.

"Fine," I huffed and hung up. 

This is not my morning. I headed back into the bathroom and stripped off my clothes. I stepped into the shower letting the warm water wake me up a bit. It felt nice. 

After standing there for a good 10 minutes, I decided to actually clean myself. 

I got out the shower and wrapped myself with the white towel. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and headed back to the bedroom.

After putting on something comfy, I started with my makeup. By the way my face is right now, I need a lot of makeup to cover everything up.

[Outfit on the side]

I decided not to put foundation since it is a bit heavy for me so I went with BB Cream. I put my concealer on making the dark circles and the blemishes go away. I put powder on and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't look like a zombie anymore so that's good. 

I put a thin line of eyeliner and a bit of mascara. I put some lip balm and I was done. 

For my hair, I just dried it so it was in soft waves and put on a hat. 

After making sure I didn't look like I was ran by 50 bulls, I made my way downstairs to see Michael for once.

"Morning kid," He smiled drinking his orange juice. I gave him a small smile not really making an effort.

"Hey......" I answered looking for some pain killers. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just have a bad headache," I mumbled. 

"Well, there's some Advil in that cabinet," He pointed. I nodded and muttered a thanks. When I found the little container, I took 2. I gulped it all down and sighed. That's a bit better.

My phone vibrated from my back pocket. I pulled it out to see I have two texts. 

I'm outside your house! Come out already xxxEl

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