Chapter Thirty-One

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Author's Note: Hey people! I finally decided to update. Anyways I just started writing a book called "Notes" and I would love you forever if you went and checked it out. It's not a fan-fiction so sorry if you guys thought if it was. I have so many fan-fictions I wrote and I finally decided to write a real book. So just check the book out and tell me if I should continue it. So far I only wrote chapter one so it's a bit crappy but it will get better. So that's about it! Love you guys! Lots of loves and tacos!

Meredith's P.O.V

Don't you sometimes feel like hugging someone but never wanting to let go? Like if you pull away they will vanish. Well that is how I am feeling in Harry's arms right now. I never wanted him to pull away since it is snowing outside and I only have a sweatshirt on but all the warmth I need is from Harry.

Sadly Harry pulled away making me shiver since it is damn cold out here! My nose was cold and I couldn't even feel it and so was my hands and legs.

I might as well die from coldness.

"You must be freezing. Why are you out here with only a sweatshirt? Gosh Meredith, are you trying to get another damn cold?" Harry rained questions on me but I was too busy shivering that I couldn't even answer him.

"H-h-Harry I-I-I'm c-c-cold," I stuttered her. Harry nodded and did the most unexpected thing. He picked me up bridal style and started carrying me to god knows where. I would of protested but I was too god damn cold to even moved my arms and legs. And plus I loved to be in Harry's arms but he doesn't have to know that.

 When I finally realized Harry was taking me to his house, I was about to say something but he beat me to it.

"If we go to your house you will freeze to death. I don't mind if you stay over at mines," He stated.

Staying over at Harry's? Again?

"You promise Tori or another bitch won't come barging in surprising me about another secret of yours?" I questioned making him laughed. I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed.

"I promise." He said between laughs. "Okay then but I still have to call Lindsey before she flips and tells Michael. I will be a dead fish by then," I said.

"You can call with my phone. How come you are not shivering anymore?" He asked looking down at me. He looked breathtaking with the moonlight shining in his face.

"Cause you are warm?" I said but it came out as a question. There was a silence until he erupted with laughter again. I felt a blush creeping up. Why did I tell him that? Ugh I am so embarrassed.

I hid my face in his chest trying to hide my embarrassment. "Aw, don't worry love. I am glad to be your heater," He teased. "Shut up," I mumbled smiling in his chest making him chuckle.

I felt Harry trying to get something from his pocket. I lifted my head to see we were already here.

"Um, I think I should get down. You look like you are having some trouble," I uttered. "No, it's okay," He replied still trying to hold me with one hand and trying to grab the keys with his other.

"Harry I think I should really-"

"Got it!" He exclaimed cutting me off. "You know we would've already be in here if you let me down," I stated as we entered the building. Harry kicked the door closed.

"But I like carrying you," He said smiling down at me as he entered the lift and pressed the button. His smile fell when  he realized what he said.

"Um okay," I replied making this situation even more awkward. So Harry Styles just said he likes carrying me. God kill me now! How did we get in this situation again? Oh yeah, I'm a fucking idiot who walks down the damn street in the middle of the night!

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