Chapter Thirty-Two

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Meredith's P.O.V

"Wha-" Before I could even finish he pushed his chin and connected our lips.

Oh my god! He is kissing me! He is kissing me! He is kissing me! Wait why am I fangirling? Oh darn, he was right. He was going to fangirl about this. 

Just as I was about to kiss him back he pulled away which left me disappointed and I tried my very best to pout. He stared at me very intensely like he could see inside me. 

I looked down when I remembered Zayn. Why do I keep doing this? I keep going behind Zayn's back to Harry. I felt like I was cheating on him. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Harry's soft voice said. He put his index finger under my chin making me look up and meet his eyes. 

Harry's P.O.V

I don't know what to do with his girl. She is eating me apart. Everything reminds me of her. And by everything I mean EVERYTHING! 

Whenever I see her laugh, I want to laugh. When I see her cry, I want to cry. Whenever she is upset, I want to be the one cheering her up but then I realize that most of the time she cries or is upset is because of me. 

Whenever she tells me to leave her alone or never talk to her I feel my world falling apart. I never felt like this before with anyone. 

It was very strange and it was like I don't give a fuck about anything but her. Well that is true because before she moved here I didn't give a shit about anything. 

She cared about me. She actually did after all the hell I gave her. I cared about her too but I can't tell her. No one can because she was my weakness. Everything about her was my weakness. 

When she told me she loved me, I was just so stunned. I mean who the hell would love a monster like me? And she was the one out of all people. The girl's parents my dick of a father killed. The girl who is suffering because of my fucked up family. The girl who I hurt more then I can count. And she loved me. Shouldn't I be surprised? 

Everything about her was perfect. Her looks, her personality, everything. I never actually liked a girl for how they act. I just go for who is hot and then boom. Sex and then leave. I mean I can't even remember the names of the girls I fucked. It was impossible since I shagged maybe half the girls population here in England. 

I never expected to be connected to Meredith like this. I never expected to open up to her either. Hell I never expected her to even be here sitting next to me in the first place!

Her light brown hair, her beautiful blue eyes, her medium shaped nose, her full pink lips. The way her forehead scrunched up together when she is confused. The way she bites her lip and tuck her hair behind her ear whenever she's nervous. The way her long eyelashes falls on her cheeks whenever she's asleep. 

It's unbelievable how much I've noticed about her. She was different and I fancied that. I went for girls like her when I was young but never found one like her. The girls nowadays are all about painting their faces with those shit products and wearing the most revealing clothes ever made on this planet. I don't know why I am saying this. I actually fancied girls who wore short skirts and revealing tops but everything changed when Meredith walked into my life. 

She changed my world into something better. But I can't have her. 

All I would do is ruin her life more and I can't love her the way she wants me to. I mean fuck, I don't even know what the hell love is! 

I will never be the boyfriend she wants me to be. I can't tuck her into bed and sing her songs. I can't buy her flowers and chocolate when she is sick. I just can't so those things. It is not me. 

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