Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Harry's P.O.V

I woke up to my stomach growling. I groaned loudly but then covered my mouth when I realized Meredith was next to me with her arm over my torso and her face snuggled into my neck. 

I smiled softly at how adorable she looked. How it felt to see she was in my arms and no one else's. 

I turned my head to grab my phone which was on the bedside table. When the phone was finally in my hand, I hid it away from Meredith's face since I didn't want the light to wake her up. 

It was now 1 in the morning and that means that it has been 3 hours since Meredith had her orgasm. The thought made me grin like a madman for god knows why. 

My stomach growled again, rather loudly making Meredith shuffle next to me. She hugged me tighter and I felt her warm lips on my neck making a shiver go through my spine. 

I needed to get something to eat before my stomach wakes the whole neighborhood up. I slowly grabbed Meredith's arm and moved it from around me making her move once again but not waking up. 

When her arms weren't around me anymore, I quickly got out of the bed before I could wake her. My bare feet hit the carpeted floor. I quietly walked out the room but not before glancing at Meredith's body sprawled out on the bed. I smirked because she was only half naked under those covers. I licked my lips and a dirty thought came into my mind. 

I shook my head trying to get rid of the image of Meredith's pink plump lips around me. She wasn't kidding when she said I had a dirty mind but I couldn't help it. I have seen a lot of inappropriate things and I was only 17! 

My bare feet padded against the tile floor as I walked down the hall to the stairs. But not without peaking into Michael and Lindsey's room which was surprisingly empty. The bed was made nicely and everything looked untouched. 

I wondered where they were and how they can leave Meredith home alone at night. Speaking of Meredith and home, where the hell is Tori? I haven't seen her ass anywhere at school, the dance not even the parking lot where she usually hung out with Molly. 

I shrugged it off and walked down the stairs as quietly as possible just in case Meredith wakes up. 

I entered the kitchen and the cold floor made me shiver. How much of an idiot am I? It is snowing outside while I'm in my boxers. Idiotic much? 

I grabbed a glass of water and gulped it down instantly when I realized my throat was dry. I decided to have a quick snack and then going back to join Meredith and her warm body. I don't think Lindsey would mind if I ate something. 

When I had my small snack made, I started eating them quickly. Too quick actually. I was kind of in a rush to head upstairs before I die of coldness on his hard tile floor. 

Just as I had my last bite of fruit, I heard something or should I say someone. Was that moans? 

I cleaned up as fast as I can and made my way upstairs just to hear the moans getting louder. It seems as like the moans were coming from Tori's room. 

What is that bitch up to? And why does the moans sound like Meredith? 

"Harry!" I heard making me jump and widen my eyes. 

I jogged to Meredith's room to see Meredith open the door with tears streaming down her face. What the fuck happened?

Before I could ask, I felt Meredith's warm hand collide with my cheek making it sting. Did she just slap him? I looked up to see disgust in her eyes as the tears kept coming out making it slide down her soft cheeks which was dark pink. 

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