Chapter Thirty-Four

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Meredith's P.O.V

"So why the hell were you making out with Zayn Malik in the middle of the damn hallway?" Danielle questioned just as my bum met the seat. I was at lunch right now and all I thought about was Harry. I haven't seen him anywhere. 

Homeroom nor the classes I had with him. It was getting me worried but the most thing I should be worried about was the stares I have been getting since the hallway. When Zayn left for homeroom, everyone was staring at me like fresh meat and then when I see him in the hallways and he'd give me small pecks on the lips, everyone ignored us. 

It was very weird. 

"Well I am Zayn's girlfriend," I answered looking innocent. 

"Right. And like when did all this happen? I thought you fancied Harry," Eleanor exclaimed. "Gosh El, can you be any more louder?" Liam said making El roll her eyes. 

"Zayn asked me on the date, remember? And then he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes," I simply replied. 

"You didn't answer the other question," El stated. "Harry and I are just friends. Just drop it. He doesn't date and I don't have time to chase after him when all I know is that he will hurt me over and over again." I said. 

"Yeah, I mean what's the point of going after a guy who constantly is hurting you. I still don't believe that you are actually friends with him from all the shit he has done to you for the last month." Liam added. 

He was right. Why am I still friends with him? It's like I keep giving him chances when the shit he does to me is so unforgivable! 

And that is another reason why I am happy, I am dating Zayn. 

"So Zayn and you are an item?" Niall wiggled his eyebrows. I giggled softly. 

"Remember if he breaks your heart, he will be losing a leg," Louis said. I laughed. 

"Thanks BooBear," I said between giggles. 

"So guys, the winter dance is this Friday. Everyone going?" Dani asked getting excited. Oh yeah! The dance, I forgot about that since the day Mr.Simmons stopped taking about it during homeroom. 

All of them nodded but me. They all starred at me as I ate my sandwich. 

"What?" I asked when I was done chewing. "You are not going to the dance?" Liam asked. 

"Dances aren't really my thing. In my old school, it was a total wreck. I've learned my lesson," I responded. 

"Come on Mere! It will be fun. Plus I'm sure Zayn will ask you to be his date soon," El whined. 

"I don't know. I mean will you ever imagine someone like Zayn to be at a school dance?" I remarked. 

"Well it is hard to believe since him and Harry never went to them," Louis stated. At the sound of Harry's name made my stomach turn. 

"Oh well! You don't need a date. We will go as friends," Dani reasoned. I saw Liam look at Dani in that way. He is so going to ask her to the dance. And I'm going to make it happen. I smirked devilishly. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Liam looked at me weird. "Oh nothing." I said still smirking. 

They all gave me weird looks but I was used to it by now since I've experienced people looking at me in a certain way since I was 5. Hey, you can't blame me for being weird. 

"So Meredith, are you going?" Niall asked. "Sorry guys, but I have to say no. I already went to that illegal party which I knew was a bad idea and look at what happened. I'm planning on studying on Friday night," I explained. 

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