Chapter Twelve

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Meredith's P.O.V

"What is this?!" Harry's voice boomed. I don't get it. He first wants to ignore me and then shag Molly and now get pissed cause I kissed Zayn. He is so confusing.

Zayn and I looked at each other. I gave him a what-do-we-do look. His eyes were still wide and were filled with fear. Was he really afraid of Harry?

"Get the fuck down now!" Harry yelled. We did as he said and got down. We stood next to each other while Harry was in front of us. I felt like I was in the head master's office and he was lecturing me.

"What was that?" He shouted. If he doesn't stop yelling, I swear my ears are going to fall off. Harry walked up to Zayn with his expression getting angrier by every second if that was possible.

"I told you to fucking lay off of things that are mine!" He yelled in Zayn's face.

What? Things? His?

"Yours?" I asked getting on sassy mode. Even though this wasn't the best time, I wasn't going to get Harry talk about me as if I'm an object. Well if he was talking about me. Which I'm sure he was.

"Stay out of this!" Harry yelled not tearing the glare he was giving Zayn. I thought they were mates....

"How many times do I have to tell you? She is not going to be one of your toys you play with!" Harry exclaimed.

What the hell is going on here?

"She's not my toy! We kissed. Get over it," Zayn replied calmer. Well at least he said something. Harry was now furious by the way his face looked. Damn! It was scary and hot at the same time!

"You fucking asshole! Don't come near her ever again because I won't hesitate to break all your fucking bones!" Harry spat. 

Just when I thought Harry was going to hurt Zayn, he grabbed my forearm and dragged me away. 

I mouthed a 'sorry' to Zayn which then he responded by nodded and giving me a smile. Why couldn't Harry be like Zayn?

Zayn was so nice and sweet. He actually has a fucking heart!

I don't know where Harry was dragging me but I needed him to let go before he gave me a bruise. 

"Harry stop," I demanded. He ignored and kept pulling me. 

"I said stop Harry," His grip on my arm tighten which made me wince in pain. The tears was about to fall out. I'm not gonna cry again am I?

"Harry, your hurting me," My voice cracking. Yup I'm crying. 

He came to halt and let go of me as the words flew out of my mouth. He turned to me. His eyes were hard and dark. It scared me. 

I let the tears fall out not even bothering to wipe them away since my arm was numb. The wind blew in my face making my hair go back and making me shiver. The tears not even helping.

When Harry's eyes met mine, they softened. 

"Meredith," He breathed. I shook my head turning my back to him. The salty water kept on running.

"Mere," He grabbed my elbow but I snatched it away. I did not want to look at him or speak to him. 

He has caused more tears than my parents death when I cried. That is sad.....

"Please listen to me," He muttered. 

"Leave me the fuck alone," I whispered my voice croaking. He sighed and came in front of me. I looked down looking at the brown boots he was wearing.

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