Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Song for the chapter:

"She Looks So Perfect" - 5 Seconds of Summer (The music video was just so like what? The tease in the end was not funny. I was getting excited. My hormones were taking over :P )


Meredith's P.O.V

"And I also hate fuckers who tries to mess with what is mine."

Just as those words leaves his mouth, the bell rang signaling everyone that class was over. I let go of the breath I was holding. If the bell didn't ring then this situation would've gotten even worse. If that was possible. 

Everyone around me got up in silence. I guess they were still shocked and confused at what Harry said. I don't blame them, I am in shock too. The way Harry said it just gave it away that he was talking about me. Basically, I became his object all of a sudden. I shook my head before getting off the seat and collecting my books. I made it to the door but stopped when I heard my name fall out of someone's mouth. 

"Meredith?" It was Mr Evans. Of fucking course. I don't know a problem with him but he was annoying me by basically picking on Harry. He should've just skipped him but he wan't to be the annoying person and bother Harry even more. I don't even know why I was defending Harry. He was also the dickhead in this situation. He should've just said his name and moved on. But of course he would be the stubborn ass he is. Not to mention his little comment back there.

I turned around and answered. "Yes?" 

"Can you please stay back for a few minutes. I need to talk to you," He stated. I mentally groaned since I wanted to get out of this room right now. My thoughts were all over the place and I needed a way to organize them. Like it turned out any other time I tried.....

I nodded before walking to his desk where he was gathering all the quiz papers. He waited until everyone left the classroom and I was not comfortable with that. It was bad enough he was good looking and young. I don't need to be pushed any further by being in a classroom with him alone.

"Mr. Styles, can I help you with anything?" I looked up from picking my chipped nail polish and turned around to see Harry standing by the door staring dead at me. I gulped down and turned around knowing he wanted to get under the teacher's skin. Or just here to torture me even more. 

"No. I'm just waiting for Meredith that's all," He simply replied which was quite surprising. I expected him to snap at the teacher or something. 

"Well you can wait outside. I need to speak to her," Mr Evans responded with an annoyed expression. 

"You can speak to her. I'm not stopping you, am I?" I knew Harry was doing this on purpose. If he keeps testing Mr Evans, that meant I will be stuck here until either Harry gets the fuck out so the man in front of me would say whatever it is or the teacher will dismiss me easily so I can get out of this classroom which suddenly became so humid. 

"Now that you're asking Mr Styles you are stopping me. I need to speak to her privately," Mr Evans says making me shiver in a disgusted way for some reason. 

"What is so important that you need to speak to her alone?" Harry's tone was annoyed and I knew he was going to blow up on Mr Evans soon. But he had a point. What was so private that we needed to be alone. I only knew the man for two hours and suddenly there's something so important he needs to tell me. I thought it would be something about the work but why didn't he want to say anything in front of Harry. 

This is so fucked up! 

"Uh...." Mr Evans trailed on. 

"Exactly. Now stop wasting her time and let her go. Come on Meredith," Before I knew it, I felt Harry's larger hands wrapped around my wrist and pulled me away.

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