Chapter Eighteen

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Meredith's P.O.V

 He just stood there with no emotion on his face. His eyes were fixed on Zayn but there wasn't any sign in his eyes saying that he was jealous or he wanted to kill Zayn for kissing me again. That bothered me. I don't want Zayn to get beat up but I didn't want Harry to dismiss this.

Why is he ignoring me? I am so fucking confused!

"Let's go Zayn," He spoke which made my heart flutter. Why does he do this to me? Why couldn't it be Zayn? Why Harry? It's like god was punishing me but I don't know what I did wrong.

I stood up and so did Zayn.  "Um, I'll see you later," I said pecking Zayn on the lips. He was pretty shocked but he gave me a smile. If Harry wasn't there I would have not pecked Zayn. It's obvious I wanted Harry to be jealous but he wasn't showing me anything. He didn't even look at me. It was like I was invisible to him.

I walked away after glancing at Harry. Still nothing. Maybe I have to live like this but I don't know if I can. I miss Harry so god damn much even though he hurt me so many times! I don't know what's wrong with me.

He was right when he said I come crawling back. I feel like crawling back to him. I miss him so much when I don't want to.


I went to the parking lot to meet up with El and Dani but I was stopped midway by Tori. Ugh not her.

"Hey Cousin!" She exclaimed. Is she fucking serious?

"Hello," I faked a smile. "Ugh, you are so formal. Say something like 'what's up' or "hey girl," She stated.

"Whatever," I muttered rolling my eyes. "What do you want?"

"Molly invited me to the party," She beamed. Okay?

"You were going anyways," I replied.

"Yeah....but now that I'm invited I don't have to look like your dog and if you don't go then I can go without you," She explained.

"That's all?" I asked annoyed.

"No, I have to go shopping with you and your dorky friends because I don't have anything to wear for the party," She said.

"My friends aren't dorky and why wouldn't you have anything to wear. Didn't you go to clubs every Saturday back in London?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I don't want to wear those twice," She said. What is wrong with this bitch?

"So you don't wear your clothes twice?" I asked.

"No I do but not party clothes or prom clothes."

"So you buy something new to wear whenever you go to a party or something?" I asked staring at her in disbelief. Where the fuck does she gets the money from?

"Pretty much."

"Where do you get the money?"

"My mum sends 500 pounds to me every week,"

I just stared at her. She is some spoiled chick.

"Why can't you go with your friends?" I asked. I did not want this bitch with me, El and Dani.

"Because they are not going shopping. Plus what's the big deal?" She questioned getting annoyed.

"Nothing, just please be nice to my friends," I said while walking to El and Dani who looked my way confused.

"If they don't act bitchy then sure," She replied. God please help this child.

When we reached Dani and El, they both gave me a ‘why the hell is she here' look.

"Tori is coming with us to the mall. She doesn't have anything to wear so she's joining us," I stated. I mouthed 'i'll explain later' and they nodded.

They both got in their car and Tori and I got in my car.

I started driving.

"Do you know Harry Styles?" She suddenly asked which made my heart flutter at the sound of his name. Gosh I have to stop.

"Yes why?"

"I think he fancies me," She said dreamily. No shit Sherlock!

"Do you fancy him?" I asked.

"I think. He is pretty hot and he looks like he knows a lot of things."

"What do you mean things?" I questioned. "You know, about sex and that sort." She answered.

She should become a Sexual Education teacher but I'm sure she will go and teach 12 years old how to pleasure themselves. Yuck! The thought made me want to gag.

"So you don't want him just for sex?" I asked.

"No, he doesn't seem like a guy who would get boring. Do you think I should like flirt back with him?"

"Aren't you already?" I questioned.

"No, he is always flirting with me." She giggled. My grip on the steering wheel tightens making my knuckled white.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Wow she is acting like a human now....

"I'm fine," I said through gritted teeth.

"I really fancy him Meredith. Help me. I don't know what to do. It seems as he fancies me but I don't know what to do next," She explained. Wow, is she really asking for advice from ME?

Should I help her? I fancy Harry and what if Harry fancy Tori. That is wrong. Even though I don't like Tori, she actually fancies him and doesn't think of him as a one night stand. I don't want her to get hurt.

This is so wrong.

My cousin fancies the boy I fancy. And he might fancy her back.

"You should ask to hang out. Maybe you'll get to know him better. And then he might ask you to be his girlfriend which I don't think will happen," I said.


"Harry doesn't do girlfriends. He has one night stands like you." I explained.

"That's great! Maybe he doesn't think of me as a one night stand like I don't think of him as a one night stand!" She exclaimed getting excited.

As this conversation was continuing, my heart was breaking more. There was a huge possibility Harry fancied Tori.

I don't know what to do anymore.


The shopping trip was hell! Tori couldn't find the 'perfect' dress to impress Harry and she took 2 hours.

2 fucking hours!

I told El and Dani everything while Tori was trying on her clothes. At the end she bought a very slutty dress. Something Molly would wear but we didn't argue. I was too tired and hungry to do anything.

El and Dani made me get this black dress. It was no where near my type of clothes. We agreed that El and Dani will come over before the party and get ready here. They wanted to do my hair and I didn't complain since I was lazy to do anything. 

Everything in the car replayed again. Tori liked Harry. But why should I care? Because I have a heart and I don't want my cousin getting hurt even though she's a bitch. 

I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know the difference between right and wrong anymore. 

Why am I wanting Harry when I know he will hurt me in the end? Why do I go after him when he clearly doesn't date? I am so fucking lost.

I wanted to talk to Harry so badly. He understood me somehow more than anyone else. It is confusing. 

I don't know anymore. But I know one thing. 

I am falling for Harry Styles.


Author's Note: Sorry this chapter was boring. I know, I read it over and I was about to fall asleep. Let's just hope next chapter is better. Tell me what you think so far in the comments. 

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