Chapter 8

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Bella's Pov

As I said that about my raper the boys all gasped and Sam said oh god and I said I mean this time he actually made it into Ava's bedroom and he threatened her not me and finally when I finished the guys all turned around and got into a circle and started whispering and talking to each other and I just groaned and stood still hoping that Ava would stay upstairs until this is done and I knew that the guys were planning something and after about a minute talk they all turned around to me and by the looks of their faces I knew I wasn't going to like what they had planned.

So as I was hoping for a good thing it was wracked when Jacob said ok Bella this is what's going to happen we are all older than you as me, Sam and Jared are all 20 and Paul is 19 and Embry and Quil are 18 years old so you will listen and do what we tell you to do so that you are kept safe do you understand and I groaned and was about to say no when Sam said Bella do not disagree or there will be consequences and I groaned again and said alright fine I understand.

Then Jacob said good now since you are still only a child no matter what way you look at it babies or not so now that we know what had happened and what will happen to you and Ava without being helped by someone both you and Ava are going to come with us and we will take you to Sam's house were you will stay until this man is dealt with understand and I said what no I just bought this house and I have a job to go to on Monday as well as Ava has nursery on Monday to.

So then Sam said you will sell the house and the stuff you bought to go in it and you will not be going to that job on Monday you can work around my arm just like my wife does and when it comes to Ava going to nursery my wife Emily will take her while you will stay in the house and I shouted WHAT NO WAY I  HELL SHE IS MY KID NOW HERS and Sam said you will listen and you will behave or I will do something that you will not like.

Then I said oh yeah try it and then Sam along with the other boys walked into the house and as they did I moved back and then Sam said loudly don't move Bella and I gulped and stop still where I was and then Quil grabbed my arms and turned me around and I find my butt facing Sam and I gulped and right away I knew what was going to happen and I said pulling my arms no wait Sam please don't I'll listen I'll behave please and Jacob said oh we know you will because hopefully this will make you and then all I felt was my butt being hit so much so hard and it stung so much and I started crying and I screamed and I shouted through the hits.

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