Chapter 20

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Bella's Pov

Once I knew the kids and Lily where in the house I looked to Embry and said hey could you take Cam upstairs to my room until I talk to Lily and Embry looked at me and said what no I can't and I said handing him my son and as he took Cam into his arms Embry gasped and said oh dear and I said grow up Embry and then I walked out of the living room and into the kitchen where hopefully Lily still is because I know the kids are already upstairs and hopefully in bed for the night.

As I got into the kitchen I saw Lily sitting down at the table with her hands on her head so I walked over to the table and I sat down on the other chair and as I sat down Lily looked up and said hi Bella and I said hey Lily what's up and Lily said well earlier today I got a phone call from the bosses and they said that if we don't get Brady and Colin into a home in 2 days all the kids in my care will get taken away from us.

Then I said oh no and then Lily looked down to my stomach and she gasped and said Bella where where is your baby and I smiled and said I had him this morning I called him Cameron he's upstairs sleeping in my room with my fiancé and Lily gasped and said oh my you engaged why didn't you tell me and I said it just happened and Lily said oh Bella I'm so happy for you I hope you have a great life.

After Lily said that I said with a positive face um Lily I need to say something to you and ask something and Lily said sure Bella what's up and I said well because I'm getting married I now have a life so I want to move in with him and Lily said oh Bella of course you do he's almost your husband there is nothing wrong with that but the kids will miss you so much and I said I know and I'm going to miss them to.

Then Lily said so when you moving out and I said well first I have something I have to ask you and I think you will like it and Lily said ok what is it you can tell me anything Bella you know this and I said yeah I know ok so I was thinking well me and Embry were thinking that maybe we both could adopt so that we had kids together and not just mine and Lily smiled and said oh wow Bella this is great news who do you want to adopt.

As she said that I gulped and kept quiet and as I did Lily said oh come on Bella nothing you say will make me say no I mean you have 2 kids and you love them very much and even though your only 17 coming 18 you still act grown up and that is a good thing now who do you and Embry want to adopt and I said ok well we were thinking of adopting Colin and Brady and when I said this Lily smiled and said deal.

Then I gasped and said what really and Lily said yes really it will be good for the kids they both love you so it won't be a problem and I said do you think we could sign the papers now if I was to get Embry you see we hope to be away by tomorrow because I want home to my daughter and Lily said smiling still sure Bella go get him and I'll go get the forms and meet you back here.

So I said thanks Lily and I walked out of the room and went upstairs and into my room and as I went in I saw Embry waiting on me by the door with Cam in his arms and when I said we can adopt them we need to go sign the forms and as I said this Embry said oh good let's go and he handed Cam to me and once I got Cam I laughed and said ok then and we both walked out of the room carefully and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

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