Chapter 26

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Bella's Pov

Once me and my kids got into town I went to the main car park and I pulled into it anc I parked my car and then I shut the engine off and I took my belt off and I turned to my kids and I said ok we are going to get ice cream but no matter what don't leave my site got it and both kids said yes Momma and I smiled and said ok now let's go and so I got out of the car after I pulled the driver door open and I walked to the back of the car and I opened Cameron's car door and I lifted him out of his carseat.

After I got Cam out of his seat I put him into my arms and then I shut the door and I walked around to Ava's side and I opened her door and then I took her hand and I used my foot to close the door after me and I used my car key to lock the car and then I walked towards the ice cream shop with my daughter and son and when I got into the shop I saw that it was packed so I looked to Ava and I said how about we go to the supermarket and get sweeties instead sweetheart.

Then after I said that Ava smiled and let go of my hand and started clapping her own and so I laughed and said ok then and I walked us out of the ice cream shop and walked us to the supermarket and when I got to the supermarket I got a trolley and I put Cam into the baby seat in the front to keep him with me and just as I was about to walk Ava tapped me and said Momma can I get in to I'm really tired now and I sighed and said ok baby girl.

So then I lifted her into the back of then trolley and I walked into the shop and when I got into the shop I went from esle to esle putting food and drinks into the trolley and finally when I got to the ice cream esle I stopped and looked to the trolley and I said ok then I want both of you to pick your best ice cream and then both kids smiled and Cam said Mama lollies lollies and I laughed and said ok then and I picked up his favourite ice lollies and put them into the trolley.

After I put Cam's lollies into the trolley I looked at Ava and I said ok then what do you want angel and Ava smiled and said chocolate and I laughed and said ok then and I lifted up Ava's ice cream from the fridges and I put it into the trolley and then I said looking at my trolley to my kids ok then shall we go home and both kids said yes Momma or yes Mama and so I grabbed a hold of the trolley my phone rang so I took it out of my pocket and I put it to my ear to find out who it is.

Then when I answered the phone I said hello and Jacob said Bella where are you and I said I'm in town with the kids we are getting ice cream and I smiled at the kids as Jacob said Bella the pack was patroling and we smelt vampires I need you to get home we can't chance the baby and I said ok I'll see you soon babe and just as I was about to hang up I smelt something really really terrible and as I smelt it I started to get angry because I knew who and what it was.

So I growled down the phone and as I did the kids both jumped scared and Jacob said Bella what's wrong what's happening and I said vampires in store not good for me or kids I'm getting angry because of the smell Jake help me I don't the kids hurt and I don't want my baby hurt because I phase and Jacob said ok Bella ok I'l help you I'm sending Sam and Jared to get you and the kids out just stay calm and I said ok ok and I walked towards the exit of the shop and I exited the shop with my kids and the trolley.

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