Chapter 11

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Bella's Pov

Once Emily and the kids had left Sam said as the others all sat around the room have a seat Bella there is much to talk about and I said fine and I walked over to the couch and I sat down and when I sat down Jacob said ok Bella there are some things you should know before we tell you what we plan to do to keep you and Ava and your unborn son safe and I said alright what do I need to know that's so important that my daughter couldn't be in the room and Sam said ok well Bella I suppose there is no easier way to tell you this so I'm just going to say it we as in everyone in this room are wolves shapeshifter if you prefer that word and I gasped.

After I sat there and took in what Sam just told me I said wait so your like actual wolves with the fur and big teeth and Jacob said yes Bella we are we can shifter whenever we want and we are a pack and I gulped and said as in pack with an alpha and Jared said yes that's right and then Embry said our alpha is Jacob it was Sam but now it's Jacob and I said fucking hell as if my life couldn't get any worse this happens and Paul said yeah well there's more and I said what else could there possibly be and Quil said well there is this thing that we wolves do to find our soul mates and it's called imprinting.

Then I said knowing where they were going with this please dear god no and Jacob said I'm sorry but Bella when we first saw you at your house Embry imprinted on you and I frowned and said standing up bloody hell can't anyone give me a freaking break and Embry said I'm sorry it happened Bella we can't control who we imprint on but when we do it like nothing else matters to our wolf your it for both of us and I said alright before I'm faint from exhaustion and annoyance is there anything else I should know and Jacob said well yes there is the parents you grew up to know as your parents isn't your real parents.

As Jacob said that I saw all the boys in the room look at me as I gasped and said getting angry what do you fucking mean Charlie and Renee aren't my real parents of course they are I've known them my whole life they even abandoned me when I needed them the most and Jacob said frowning I know what they did everyone does but listen when you were born your real parents already had three kids and they did plan for a fourth so when they had you they gave you to their best friends who they knew couldn't have kids and as I listened to this and took all this in I started crying knowing in my heart it was all true and it sounded sincere. 

So I just said still crying alright well since you know so much about this subject tell me who are my birth parents and Jacob said well um please keep a clear head about this when I tell you ok and I groaned and said alright fine now tell me and Jacob said fine your fathers name is Billy Black and your mothers name is Sarah Black and you have 2 sisters one is called Rebecca who is 25 and lives in Florida and the other is called Rachel who is 23 and lived lives here as Paul's imprint and before he could finish what he was going to say I finished it as I knew where he was going with this.

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