Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Shai's POV

I still can't believe Theo and I are having a baby. I am beyond excited. Even though we weren't technically trying to have one, I am still so happy.

Theo and I have spent the last two days thinking of ways to tell everyone. We decided we should wait until we know for sure, so the second we get home we are going to go to the doctor to double check.

We are leaving today, sadly. I have had such a good time, and it's sad to leave.

Guess we'll just have to come again....

I sling my carry on bag over my shoulder as the announcement for our flight goes on the loud speaker. Theo grasps my hand and we wait in the ticket line. We walk the long hallway onto the plane. We are not taking a private plane this time, because doing that twice would cost way too much money.

Theo leads our way to first class and we take our seats right behind the pilot. I put my carry on in the above compartment and sit down in the window seat. Theo sits beside me of course, and next to him is another anonymous passenger.

"So," I smile. "Do you want it to be a boy or girl?"

"I will love him or her no matter what," Theo smiles, placing his hand on my stomach.

"Me too, silly goose, but you have to be hoping for something," I prod.

"Nope," he sighs.

"Hmmmm," I say. "Do you think the baby will like us? Do you think we'll be good parents?"

"Of course. If the baby is a girl I will spoil her rotten. She'll get every single thing she wants. and she'll be just like you. Beautiful, Creative, Smart, Strong, Brave. If it's a boy he'll be athletic, but still smart. A soccer player maybe, or football. We can toss the ball around, play games in the backyard. We'll be closer than any other son and dad."

When he finishes I realize I didn't stop smiling the entire time he was talking. He said it perfectly. The life I imagined is the same as his.

"I couldn't have said it any better," I smile.

"What can I say?" He asks. "Were perfect together."

I kiss him on the cheek, and as I pull away a yawn escapes my lips.

"Get some rest," Theo says.

"But I'm not even tired." But as I say this another yawn leaps out of my mouth.

"Don't worry," he says. "You won't miss anything."

I lay my head on his shoulder, and fall peacefully to sleep.

Theo's POV

Shai and I got home from France yesterday and we are still a bit tired. Since Shailene took the test, and it came out positive, we want to go to the doctor to know for sure. So, we are on our way to the doctors office.

Last night Shai called her doctor and made an appointment. I am super excited but also nervous. There is a small chance the test was wrong, but I'm trying to think positively. I just don't want to get my hopes up.

"Shai?" I ask.


"What would you do if the doctor said the test was wrong?"

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