Chapter Thirty-One

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Theo's POV

"Shai?" I ask.

"Yeah," she responds, walking into the living room from the kitchen.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask.

"Sure!" She exclaims. "You pick and I'll make popcorn."

She walks out of the room and I kneel next to the movie cabinet. We have a lot of movies. We have everything from classics like The Wizard of Oz and Singin' in the Rain to action movies like Indiana Jones and Star Wars.

By the time Shailene comes back I have narrowed it down to three options; The Hunger Games, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and Wreck-it Ralph.

"Which one?" I ask as Shai sits on the couch.

" about," she ponders. "Lets go with....The Hunger Games."

"Okay," I say. "That was my first choice too."

I pop the DVD into the player, and the previews begin. Shailene is sitting in the love seat with a bowl of popcorn. I sit next to her and grab a handful.

She swings her legs over mine and places the bowl on top of her. I place a kiss on her cheek and she smiles. Shai holds out her hand  and admires her ring.

"You like it?" I ask.

"I love it!" She leans her head on my shoulder.

"When do you want the wedding to be?" I ask.

"I think a cold month," she says. "So, we can get married in a church where it's warm. And if we go on a honey moon we can go someplace really warm to get away from the cold weather."

"If we go on a honeymoon?" I say. "I already got The whole thing planned."

"Really?" She exclaims. "Where are we going?"

"I'm no telling! That would ruin the surprise!" I smile. "Anyway, how about March?"

"My brothers birthdays in March." She says. "I want our month to be special, so we don't have to worry about anything but us."

"Okay," I think. "Well November is your birthday, December is my birthday, February is my moms birthday-"

"Hang on," she say. "You skipped January."

"Yeah, that's because there isn't any birthdays or holidays."

"Well then how about January?" She asks.

"The first of January is tomorrow!" I boomed.

"Oh," She sighs. "Well I guess we could have it in a summer month,"

"No." I insist. "If my fiancé wants a January wedding, then we are gonna have a January wedding."

She grins widely.

"What day should it be?" I ask. "Pick a number off the top of your head."

"Twenty." She says.

"Okay," I say, "January 20th."

"I love it." She says.

"And I love you." I peck her on the nose.

"And I love you more." She smiles.

The movie starts but I pause it so we can keep talking.

"Who should be the best men?" She asks.

"Well I definitely want Ansel as my best man. And I think the others should be William, Edward, Miles, and Tanner." I say.

"That sounds wonderful." She chimes.

"And how about bridesmaids?" I question.

"I want Julia to be my maid of honor. And for the others I want Jessica, Lauren, and Zoë."

"Sounds great," I smile at how excited she is.

"What about flower girl and the ring man?"

"Well I was hoping Jessica's son, Christopher, could be the ring man." I explain.

"Yeah! And Ashley could be the flower girl."

"I can't wait." I whisper.

"Me neither." She leans in and kisses me on the lips. I kiss her back, but we soon break away.

"I'm gonna call the girls," she says excitedly.

"Alright," I laugh. "I'll text the guys."

She gets off my lap and walks to the kitchen. I grab my phone off the coffee table and text Ansel.

Me: Hey, can I ask you a question?

He almost immediately replies.

Ansel: Yeah sure.
Me: I was just wondering how you felt about being my best man?😏
Ansel: Of course! I'd love too!
Me: Okay great. Thanks bro.
Ansel: No problem.

Next I text Miles, William, Edward, and Tanner.

Me: Hey guys, I was just wondering if you wanted to be my best men in Shai and I's wedding?
Edward: dude, its 1:30 in the freakin' morning!
William: yeah come on
Edward: But anyway yeah I'd love too.
Tanner: I don't know who anyone else is but sure I'd love too!
William: Who's that guy?
Me: Miles, don't worry he's not always like that. He's probably drunk.
Miles: Nope totally six hours sober
Tanner: Nice! A whole six hours...
Edward: I'm going back to sleep
William: Yeah me too.
Miles: But guys I just got here!!!!!
Me: Go to sleep Miles.
Miles: OKAY

I laugh and walk tot he kitchen. I am about to open the door when I hear Shailene talking.

"I know right!" She exclaims. "I still can't believe it either. And I totally wasn't expecting it!"

She pauses and then continues.

"We decided on January 20th."

Again, she pauses.

"He won't tell me where we're going. It's a surprise. I KNOW RIGHT. He's such a sweetheart."


"Yup," she says. "Alright, I'll talk to you later. Bye."

I wait a second and then walk into the kitchen.

"So," I say. "How about we finish up that movie now?"
Don't worry there will be good stuff coming up.

Just so nobody's confused I wanna say that I am updating on Mondays and Thursdays AT LEAST. So even though today is Wednesday I am updating, and there will still be and update tomorrow.




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