Chapter Fourteen

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Theo's POV

My eyes flutter open to see I am laying on the couch in our living room. I am so happy I can say that now, Our living room.

Shai finished bringing her stuff over a few hours ago. I must have fell asleep on the couch.

The smell of steak hangs in the air. I rub my eyes and sit up.

The kitchen door swings open and Shai walks out. She is wearing a maroon shirt from Pink, black leggings, light tan Uggs with bows, a heart necklace plus necklace I gave her, earrings, and her hair is down and curled.

"Oh," she says. "I didn't know you were awake."

"Just woke up," I replied while standing up.

I walk over to her and place a soft kiss on her lips.

When I pull away she asks, "How was your nap?"

"Wonderful," I whisper back.

I grasp her hand and look around the room.

We had put Shai's couches in our family room, and moved all of my stuff into the living room. There were a few empty cabinets in the kitchen so she put all of her utensils in there. She brought a dresser for her clothes and shoes, so I kept my stuff in the closet.

We had to put her bed in storage though, since she won't need it anymore.

Maybe we can use it once we start a family, I think. Shai and I haven't really talked about the future, but I like to imagine that we will have a big family. I have always wanted one.

Shai had to fire her butler, Michael. He said that it was fine and that he understood, but she still felt bad.

Shai leads me into the kitchen and I see dinner on the table.

"Thanks hon," I say. "You didn't have to do this."

I place a kiss on her cheek and I feel her smile.

I pull out her chair and she sits down. I plop down across from her and look at what she created.

"I made spinach salad with pomegranate and avocado for me. And I made you spinach salad with cucumbers and steak." She proudly explains.

"Thanks so much babe." I really do appreciate her doing this, she didn't have too.

"I know," she sighs. "But I love you, and I wanted to."

"I love you too Shai." I answer. We finish the rest of our meal in silence. It is not an awkward silence though. It's comfortable.

Once we finish I offer to do the dishes, but Shai insists.

I go up the stairs to our bedroom and grab a few movies. I think back to the first time we watched a movie together.

It was the night Ruth and I broke up. We watched a horror movie, and Shai kept screaming. I laugh as I remember the look on her face.

That was also the first night Shai and I kissed off set. Now here we are, 2 months later and done with the movie.

I walk back down into the living room to see Shai on the the couch asleep.

I smile at the beautiful sight. She is so precious. I love her to death. My love for her is indescribable. There is no way you couldn't love her. She is amazing. She is my everything, my world, my universe. And I could never live without her.

I walk over to her and scoop her up in my arms. Her long locks of hair fall against my arm.

I walk her up to our bedroom and lay her on the bed. I search for her pajama drawer and pick out a pink top and white pants.

Her clothes are hard to take off. First, her pants won't slide off. Then, I have to lift her to take off her shirt. Next, the clasp to her bra won't come undone. When it does I quickly cover her up with her shirt.

Once she's fully clothed I pull down the covers and place her underneath. I leave a soft kiss on her forehead before going into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

When I come back I get under the covers and wrap my arms around Shailene.

The second my head hits the pillow I fall into a deep sleep.

Shai's POV

I swing open the front door of our house and the children run inside.

Theo walks over to the door and lifts our 4 year old daughter into his arms as she talks about her day at school.

"Daddy," she says. "Look!"

She holds up her leg to show Theo the scrape she got on her knee during recess.

"I got a boo-boo during play time," she tells him.

"Oh no!" Theo exaggerates. "Would you like me to kiss it?"

She nods her head and he leans down and places his lips on her knee. A giggle escapes her lips as she tells me it tickles.

"That's nothing mom," Our 10 year old son complains. "Look at this bruise I got from soccer practice!"

He holds out his arm for me to see. A huge black and purple circle covers it.

I pretend to gasp. "Does it hurt?" I say.

"No," he answers. He walks over to his dad and shows him the mark too.

Theo whispers something in his ear that I can't hear. But all of a sudden they start to tickle our little girl. She rolls around laughing and yelling at them to stop.

I smile as I look at my family, my beautiful happy family.

"Shai," I hear a familiar voice coo. "Shai, we have to get up."

I open my eyes and look around. I begin to cry.

"Hey what's wrong?" Theo asks. "Did you have a bad dream?"

"No," I whisper. "It was a really good dream."

"The why are you crying?" He asks confused.

"Because," I start. "I want it to be real."

"What happened?" He questions.

I contemplate wether to tell him or not.

"I had just brought our children home from school," I say. "Our daughter showed you the scrape on her knee, and our son showed me his bruise form soccer practice. You and our little boy tickled our baby girl until she couldn't breath."

Theo smiled at me. "That sounds like a wonderful dream," he whispers. "And it will be true some day."

I nod and look into his big chocolate orbs. I realize then that for Theo and I, this is only the beginning. There is so much more to come in our relationship, and life in general. I can't wait for that time to come when we do start a family, but right now I want to live in the moment and enjoy these memories I am making with the love of my life. He means everything to me, and I wouldn't give up our love for anything.
This is just a filler chapter, sorry if you don't like it....

I appreciate you guys that do comment and give me ways to improve my story.

Over 300 reads! Oh my god!!!

Thank you guys so so so much!




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