Part 2: The Play Date

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                                                                                    ~Aphmau's POV~

                        "Welcome back Mija. How was kindergarten?" Mommy asked as I walked through the door. "Good! I made so many new friends! They are all coming over at 3:00 to play!" I replied happily. I am so excited for Katelyn, Nicole, and Garroth to come over. We are going to have so much fun! "That's great Mija. I'm glad you had fun at school. Do you wanna help mommy make salsa?" Said Mommy. "YASSSSS!" I squealed. I LOVE MAKING SALSA! I helped mommy blend up all the ingredients and pour it into a container. Soon enough, the doorbell rang. I ran from the kitchen to the front door. That must be my friends!

                                                                                    ~Garroth's POV~                         

                           I stood in front of the door and waited with Katelyn and Nicole. I couldn't believe a girl invited me to play at her house with her friends. She is so pretty. She is also so kind. Then the door opened. Standing there was the prettiest girl ever. Aphmau. She squealed and invited us in. "H-h-hey Aphmau." I said. She turned a light pink. "H-h-hey Garroth." She replied.  

                                                                                    ~Aphmau's POV~

                           "Oh yeah! I made homemade salsa and tortilla chips in the kitchen! Let's go have a snack."I said. "Okay!" they all replied. I guided them to the kitchen and brought the container of salsa over while mommy grabbed the tortilla chips. "Thank you, Ms. Phoenix." said Garroth. "Oh Garroth don't be so formal. Just call me Savannah." My mommy replied. They each tried a chip with salsa while I couldn't wait for their reactions. Both Katelyn and Nicole started running to the sink to get water. "Aphmoo! That's so spicy!" Said Katelyn. "It's burning my mouth!" Nicole said. I then looked at Garroth, who was grabbing his second chip. "Garroth, why aren't you screaming in pain? Isn't spicy?" I asked confused. "Oh, my mother's friend brings over salsa as hot as this and mother gives it me and my younger brothers. I love spicy food!" He replied. "Me too!" I squealed. Katelyn and Nicole came back. "Let's play a game!" I suggested. "Let's play truth or dare!" Said Katelyn. "Okay!" I showed them up to my room and we all sat on my bed and started playing. "Aphmoo, truth, or DARE?" Katelyn asked. "Truth." I replied. "Alright, out of the three of us, who do think is nicest?" Katelyn asked. "Garroth." I say without hesitation. Garroth then turned into a tomato.

Sorry for short chapter. Will probably post some more tonite.

                                                                            BYE ~Bails~



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