Part 7: Don't Tell My Mom!

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~3rd POV~

As Aphmau and Garroth were walking to class, girls started to whisper to each other and glare at them. They were all jealous that Aphmau was walking with THE Garroth Ro'Maeve. One in particular, Ivy, was spreading rumors. By the end of the day, the awkward new girl was the talk of the school. "I heard that she is an actress from Hollywood." One said. " No way, I heard that she used to live in Spain and had her first kiss when she was thirteen!" Said another. But, Aphmau didn't care. She became more comfortable at the school and made friends with girls named Kawaii-Chan and Katelyn. Also, her and Garroth were becoming best friends, yet still not knowing each other's past. They hung out all the time.

~Garroth's POV~

"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooottttttttttttttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm bored." said Aphmau one day. She was laying on the grass in the park that was in their neighborhood. 

"Let's do something then." I replied, also bored out of my mind.

"Let's play truth or dare!"

"What are we in 3rd grade?"

"Truth or dare, Garroth? She asked, ignoring my question.

I smirked and said, "Dare, I ain't no chicken!"

"Ok, I dare you to walk to the prettiest girl in the park and kiss her." She said. My face instantly turned redder than a tomato. That's when I leaned in and kissed her. She was shocked at first, but slowly melt into the kiss. We parted after a few seconds but I wished it lasted longer. 

"Uh... G-g-garroth I h-have to go." She said. she quickly got up and went to leave, but not before I snagged one more kiss. I grabbed her hand and gave her a quick peck, and she turned even redder than myself and walked away. When she was far enough away, I started doing a victory dance.

~Aphmau's POV~

HE KISSED ME! TWICE! I KNOW I HAVE A BOYFRIEND BUT WHEN I KISSED HIM I FELT MORE SPARKS THAN I'VE EVER FELT IN MY LIFE! I ran home as fast as I could, ran in through the front door, closed it, then started to slide down it to where I was sitting.

"Mija, why are you sitting on the floor?" My mom asked. Shoot. I thought.

"Oh, uh, I just have a headache." I replied and ran up to my room and locked the door. I pulled out my phone and started texting Katelyn.

A: Yo Katelyn, I got somethin important to tell u. Come over ASAP.

K: On it. I got somethin to tell you too.


"HE WHAT!" Katelyn yelled.

"Shhhhhhhh! I don't want my mom to know. And yes, he kissed me. twice."

"But don't you have a boyfriend?"

"Yes, but, I think I might break up with him. I don't feel any sparks when I'm with him but when I'm with Garroth..." my voice trailed off. "But enough about my news, I wanna hear about yours!"

"Oh, it was nothing important. But tell, me. Was he a good kisser? I nod my head and she smirks. 

~Katelyn's POV~

I said it wasn't important, but it actually was. 

OMG I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry I left you off on a cliffhanger. I know it's the absolute WORST when authors do that. But it's late where I live and I have a musical I'm performing in tomorrow so I need to rest up. I will try to update tomorrow, but if I don't here's an early sorry. 

BYE ~Bails~

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