NEW BOOK @ 100 reads!

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Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of parts, we are finishing up the last week of school in my district so things are a little hectic. But in OTHER news, I'm releasing a new book! It of course is Garmau, and it will be a oneshot book. I might throw in some Travlyn here and there, but for the most part it will be just Garmau. Along with that, OMG THIS BOOK HAS 100 READS! YOU GUYS ARE FREAKIN AMAZING AND THANKS SO MUCH! I DON'T CARE IF IT IS A SMALL MILESTONE IT'S STILL AMAZING! I will release another part to this book later, but for now...

                                BYE ~Bails

Garmau: From 5 Years Old Till Death Do They PartWhere stories live. Discover now