Part 4: The Big Move

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~Gar Gar's POV~

This is the day. The day that my best friend moves. I remember meeting when we five, now, seven years later, she's going to be gone for who knows how long. A tear rolls down my face as I get ready to see her for the last time. I throw on a black long sleeved shirt, navy blue snow jacket, tan pants, and my black converse. I slip my hands through my black finger less gloves, grab my phone and text Aphmau.

G: Hey                                                                                                                                                                                               

A: Hey where r u                                                                                                                                                                         

G: On my way. c u soon

I hop on my bike and ride down to her house, avoiding the snow. When I get there, I see that my mom, Zianna, is already there hugging Savannah. I'm not the only one losing my best friend. I walk up to Savannah, who pulls me into a hug. When we part, she nods her head toward the door of the house. I understand, and run up to the door and open it. I call for her. "Aphmau!" No response. I run upstairs to her room, where I find her sitting where her bed used to be, crying heavily. I walk up to her, hug her. 

"I'll never let you go, no matter where we are." I then go sit down in front of her.                                               

"Hey, I'm right here." I say.                                                                                                                                                             

She looks up, smiles, and says, "Remember when we were five, and we played Truth or Dare on my bed with Katelyn and Nicole?"                                                                                                                                                     

I smile. "How could I forget? It was the first time we hung out."                                                                                

 "Remember how when you turned ten I showed up at your house..."                                                                       

"...And kissed me on the cheek as a present. I remember turning as red as a cherry afterwards." I chuckled. Then we both lunged toward each other, crying in each others' arms.                                               

"I'm going to miss you so much Garroth! I don't want to leave! I want to stay with you forever."                 

"I wish you could stay, but you need to stay with your mom. You can't leave her alone like your father did with her and you." I tighten the hug, the pull away and kiss her on the forehead. She looks up at me with sadness in her eyes. I pull her into another hug, but sadly it was cut short.                                         

"Aphmau, I'm sorry, but it's time to go. Our flight leaves in two hours. Say your last goodbyes to Garroth." Says Aphmau's mom sadly. We stand up, and we cry even more than before. I hug her saying, "This is not goodbye. We will see each other again. I promise." I feel her nod on my shoulder, and we separate. We walk downstairs and head outside. Zianna and Savannah are saying their goodbyes one more time, and my mom and I watch as Aphmau and her mother climb into the car and drive away.                                                                                                                                                                                           

"I love you, Aphmau." I say to myself, tears streaming down my face.

~Aphmeow's POV~

As my mom and I drive away from Garroth and his mom, I say to myself, "I love you, Garroth."

Okay, so this chapter is so freakin sad. Oh yeah, I used their nicknames instead of their actual names. I think that's about it.


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