Part 15: The Date Pt. 1

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~Garroth's POV~

"GARROTH!" Laurence screamed at me as I paced back and forth in my bedroom. "How long have you known Aph?" I stop and look at him.

"Since kindergarten. I was on the swings alone and she came up to me and started talking to me." I reply smiling, remembering how we met.

"Well then you know that Aph is kind, sweet, and pretty much perfect. And she told you she liked you, now didn't she?" I nod and he continues. "And you like her, so what's to worry about? There is absolutely nothing you can do to change a person's feelings within the time frame of one night."

He has a point. Why am I so nervous? It's Aph we're talking about. She likes me, and I like her. "Okay, well, at least help find what to wear tonight. I know she probably won't care, but I do."

"OMG we totes have to try on everything you own to find the absolutely PERF outfit. But first, let's take a bunch of selfies only to delete them all because we look absolutely UGLY in ALL of them! Also, did you HEAR what Kawaii~Chan did to Nicole? Like, OH NO SHE DIDN'T!" Laurence sassily replies. I laugh and he joins. This is why me and Laurence are friends. 

"But seriously, what am I going to wear?" With that, we take all of my clothes and dump them on the floor. After much deliberation, (aka like 5 minutes) we decide on a blue and white plaid button up with a plain white t,  a pair of denim pants, and some white and navy Converse. I run my hand through my hair every five seconds until it's finally time.

"Alright, go get'er tiger." 

~Aph's POV~

Katelyn came over to help me with everything. While I did my makeup, she curled my hair. It took us about an hour until we finally decided on an outfit. (see below)

"What if he doesn't like it?" I say as I frown and turn to look at every angle of this outfit in the mirror

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"What if he doesn't like it?" I say as I frown and turn to look at every angle of this outfit in the mirror.

"What if he doesn't like it? WHAT IF HE DOESN'T LIKE IT? Aphmau Jessica Phoenix! You could literally walk down those stairs in a trash bag with dots all over your face and flies flying around you and Garroth would still look at you with his jaw hanging open and his face as red as a tomato!" Katelyn screams at me. 

"Yeah I g..." I started to reply, but was interrupted by the sound of a doorbell. "MEEP" I scream and run to my bed covers and pull them over my head. 

"Aphmau get up you will ruin your hair!" Katelyn screams again. "Look, I'll go answer the door and invite him in so you can make your grand entrance down the stairs."

I jump out from underneath my covers and nod. Katelyn then exits my room and leaves me waiting for the signal. (aka her texting "MAKE YOUR GRAND ENTRANCE NOW!") I look at myself one time in the mirror, making sure my hair looked perfect and my makeup wasn't smudged. I then feel a vibration in my hand. It's go time. 

A/N So hi guys! I haven't posted on this story in like, a month, and I'm SO SORRY FOR THAT! I could tell you that I was busy or I was finishing school and crap, but that would be a lie. I've been out of school for two weeks now, so I really don't have a very great reason for my absence from this book other than I didn't know what to write. Major writer's block for this book. But I'm back and daily updates will return!

In other news, thank you all so much for all the support on my oneshot book! Last time I checked, we were at almost 100 views! And this book is almost at 200! I can't believe so many people have checked out my piece of crap books! It may seem small compared to other stories that have over 100k views, but for someone like me, it's freakin AMAZEBALLS! To know that people have checked out my book really makes me happy. Like REALLY FREAKIN HAPPY! That's all for now folks!


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