Part 16: The Date Pt: 2

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~Garroth's POV~

I stood in front of Aphmau's door, waiting for it to be answered. Okay, deep breaths. The door opened to find Katelyn smiling, which is very unusual.

"Hey Garroth! Aphmau is still getting ready, but come on in!" She said happily. Cautiously, I stepped inside. Then it was awkward. Just silence between us. But it didn't last for long, because Katelyn grabbed my shirt collar and pulled me so that I was looking right into her blue eyes. 

"Listen up, Ro'Maeve. Aphmau is my best friend, so if anyone hurts her, they go through me. I couldn't get Aaron, sadly, because she wouldn't give me his whereabouts, but I know you. I know where you live, I have your number, and I know how to get information. So if I find my Aphmeow crying in a corner, boy, you best go run and hide because the last thing you'll ever see if you don't is my pretty face." After she threatened me, she let me drop to the floor. Katelyn then pulled out her phone and started texting someone. I chuckled, standing up. 

"Who you texting, Travis?" I teased. She turned a bright shade of red and didn't look up from her phone.

"N-no, SHUT UP!" She screamed, which made me laugh even harder.

"Look, if it makes you feel better, he really likes you." She looked up from her phone, eyes hopeful and genuine.


"Yup. He's always talking about how beautiful you are when we are in French, and how he likes your fiery personality." This makes Katelyn blush a deeper shade of red, and she quickly tries to hide it by returning to her phone. I begin to hear footsteps coming down the stairs, so I turn my attention to them. And there, walking down the stairs toward me, is a beautiful princess named Aphmau. My jaw drops as soon as I see her, which makes her blush a light color of pink.

"What do you think?" She asked shyly. I was lost for words. I just stood there with my jaw hanging. "Is it really that bad?" 

"Wow." I managed to spit out. She smiled her happiest smile and grabbed my hand and we intertwined our fingers. 

"Okay, you two lovebirds. Don't stay out too late. Now go cause Travis and I have an anime date tonight." Katelyn said, practically pushing us out the door. Aphmau and I laughed as she sprinted down the sidewalk toward Travis's house. We walked to my car where I opened the door for her before getting in on my side.

"I see someone finally learned to be a gentleman." She teased. 

"Hey! I've always been a gentleman." I protested. 

"No, you're my gentleman."

"Not quite. Yet." 

Before we knew it, we had made it to the theater. We walked up, looking at our choices. 

"What do you want to see?" I asked turning to look at Aphmau.

"The new Alice in Wonde...No..."

I turned to see her staring at something with wide eyes. "Aphmau! What's wrong?" 

"A-A-Aaron. He said he was leaving on Wednesday. B-But he's r-right there with the black haired girl that he c-cheated on m-me with." She stuttered. Aphmau never stutters. 

"If you'll excuse me, Aph, I'm going to introduce myself to your ex-boyfriend." I said through gritted teeth as I made over to this Aaron guy. "Excuse me, are you Aaron Falcon?" I asked, tapping on his shoulder. He turned around and smiled. 

"That's my name, don't wear it out." He said smugly. 

"Hi. My name's Garroth. You may know a friend of mine. Does the name Aphmau Phoenix ring a bell?" His eyes widened and I continued. "Well, I'm her best friend, and if anyone hurts her, they hurt me. Wanna know what happens to people that hurt Aphmau and I?" And with that, I punched him right in the cheek and walked away like the complete boss I am. I walked over to Aphmau, proud. 

"Let's ditch this movie date. How about we pick up a pizza, go home to your house, and watch Sword Art Online?" She smiles from ear to ear.

"That sounds like the best date ever."


We started up the first season and were half way through, talking about all the crap that was happening in the series, when Aphmau suddenly asked me a question.

"Garroth, why did you punch Aaron?"

"Because he's a jerk that hurt my best friend and the woman I love." I replied without hesitation. Suddenly the episode froze. Aphmau paused it. I turned to her and she cupped my face. 

"This is why I love you. You protect me through thick and thin, and afterwards, you joke around with me." Aph said before leaning in. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped hand around my neck, making the kiss more passionate. We released for air, then turned back to the episode. I put my arm around her as she rested her head on my shoulder. 

"I know it's early, and that I'm young, but I love you Garroth."

"I love you to Pluto and back."

A/N This is the longest chapter I've written, so I pray to Irene that it's good.

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