Part 3: Meeting Laurence

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~Aphmau's POV~

On my way to school, I saw Garroth with someone with brown hair. I told mommy to pull over so we could give them a ride. "Hey Garroth! Need a ride?" "Y-yea, s-sure." Him and the brown haired kid climbed in, me sitting in between both of them. I turned to the brown haired kid. "Hi, I'm Aphmau! What's your name?" I asked. "My name is Laurence, and you're really pretty Aphmau!" I could feel myself blush. "T-thanks." I replied. I looked over at Garroth and it looked like he was sad about something. "Garroth is there something wrong?" I asked. "Oh, n-no. It's okay. My brother Vylad is just sick today and I'm worried about him." "Oh, well tell him Aphmau said to get better soon." "Okay. Thanks Aphmau."


~Garroth's POV~

I heard the doorbell ring as I was watching Mickey Mouse Cartoons. Who could that be?  I wondered. I got up and answered it. Standing there was a girl with raven black hair and caramel eyes. Aphmau. But something different. Instead of a smiling face, there was tears streaming from her eyes. There were scratches on her elbows and one knee was bleeding. She ran up and hugged me, and as if it were natural, I hugged her back. I asked what happened, and she replied with, "I-I tried t-to ride my b-bike but I-I fell and and..." she stopped there and I parted saying, "Want me to teach you?" She looked up at me and smiled softly as she nodded. 

~3rd POV~

Garroth taught Aphmau how to ride a bike that day. Ever since then, they've been inseparable. Best Friends Forever.

 NO! THIS IS NOT THE END! This is just the end of the beginning of their "getting to know each other" stage. 


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