Part 10: The Visit Pt:1

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~Aphmau's POV~

Today's the day! The day FC is coming to America! I woke up excited, and quickly got out of bed, which is abnormal for me, and put on a lilac sundress, some brown sandals, and the necklace he gave me before I left. I curled my hair and put on some cat eyeliner. (Picture down below)

I drove down to the airport and waited at his gate

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I drove down to the airport and waited at his gate. I stood on my tiptoes trying to see him, when I saw a fluff of black hair poke out of the crowd. He looked up and his dark eyes met mine, and he dropped his stuff and I started running toward him. When we met I wrapped my arms around his neck and embraced him. He then smashed his lips into mine. I kissed back, but there was nothing there. No sparks. We let go, and I smiled. He smiled back, and we walked back to my car and we started driving to his hotel. 

"Aaron, how long will you be in town?" I asked.

"Just a week, though I wish it was a lifetime." He replied. I kept my eyes on the road, but my cheeks grew red.

" I have so many people for you meet! Katelyn, Nicole, Garroth, Az..." 

"WHO'S GARROTH?" He said, obviously a little mad.

"He's just my best friend. I've known him since we were five." I said, trying to stay calm.

"Oh, okay." he said as I pulled into the hotel parking lot. I parked the car and we just sat there. After a few minutes, he lifted my chin and leaned in and gave me a soft kiss. He pulled away and said, 

"Till we meet again, Juliet." I smiled, remembering the time we played Romeo and Juliet in our school play. 

"Fare thee well, Romeo." I replied, and he shut my car door. I started to drive home, and turned on some Panic! At the Disco. Why did I not feel any sparks when he kissed me? Why did being around him not excite me? I pulled into my driveway and walked in the door. I wandered into the kitchen and found a note on the counter. 

Dear Mija,

I have to go on a business trip for work. I will be back within a week or so. 

With Love, Momma

I sighed, then heard a ding. I pulled out my phone and saw a text from Garroth.

G: Can I come over?

A: Yea sure. Everything OK?

G: No, I need my best friend.

Oh no. Please tell me Garroth's okay. Then there was a knock at the door. I ran to answer it, and was surprised by Garroth hugging me. I hugged back, then let go and shut the door. I looked up to him and saw tear marks on his face. His eyes were red and puffy, and tears were still rolling down his face.

"Garroth, what happened?" I asked. The worry I felt escaped through my voice.

"Azura, she cheated on me." He said, his head hung low. I hugged him, and he hugged me.

"If I see that blonde again, trust me, she'll be needing even more plastic surgery." I said. I was more than angry. More than furious. I can't believe Azura would cheat on such a perfect guy such as Garroth.

"I feel like how Carl felt when Ellie died in UP. Worthless." He said. That's what made me begin to cry. 

"Garroth! You are not worthless! You are handsome, talented, kind, friendly, caring, loving, and the sweetest person on the face of the planet. If anyone is worthless, it's Azura. She's so stupid to not realize how lucky she was to have you." I say. He's still crying, and so am I. " Hey Garroth, I know what we can do." He looks at me with hopeful eyes. "Let's play Legend of Zelda!" 

"You know me so well, Aph." He says. We race to the T.V and begin to play Legend of Zelda. Before we know it, it's three in the morning. "Aph," he says.

"Yes?" I say, not looking up from the game.

"Thanks for helping me through this. You are the bestest best friend anyone could ask for." He leans in and kisses my cheek. This leaves me frozen. I feel sparks.

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