Part 13: I Really Like You

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~Garroth's POV~

"Hey Ap..." I started to say but was cut off by Aphmau smashing her lips against mine. Almost immediately, I kissed back. I wrapped one arm around her waist and used the other to shut the door before wrapping it around her waist.  Her fingers ran through my hair as the kiss became more passionate. I pushed her against a wall and felt her legs wrap around me. We parted, foreheads touching, breathing heavily. 

"Garroth, Aaron cheated on me. When I was driving home, I realized something. I feel no sparks when I'm with him. When he kisses me, there's nothing there. When he hugs me, I feel nothing. But when I'm with you, I feel sparks. When I kiss you, there's always something. When you pulled me into a hug last night, I felt something. What I'm trying to say, Garroth, is I like you. A lot. I really like you." Aphmau says in between breaths. I cup her face so that she is looking into my eyes and I'm looking into hers.

"Aphmau, I like you too. I really like you. I've liked you since kindergarten. You were always there for me when I was down and even when you were gone in Spain, I thought about you every day. I don't care if we are only sixteen, I know I want you in my life forever." I respond. I close the gap and kiss her again, and she kisses back. No wonder I wasn't happy when I was with Azura. The girl I really liked was right in front of me. Aphmau.

 Sorry it is short and that I haven't posted for like, two days. I just got back from a school camp out and I have a dance competition this weekend so I will try my very hardest to update. Also, WE ARE ALMOST AT 100 VIEWS! Thanks so much for the support on my first story.


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