Part 6: First Day

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~Aphmeow's POV~

"Okay, Mija! First day of school! Let's go through your checklist and make sure you got everything!" Said my mom. She is so nervous about me going to high school. "Uniform?" "Check" "Lunch?" "Check" "Book bag and supplies?" "Check" "Violin?" "Check" "Alright Mija! That's everything. Remember our rule?" "No talking to boys." I replied. She didn't know I had a boyfriend. "Bye mom!" I said leaving. I closed the door before she could respond. My mom can be SO embarrassing sometimes. I then pulled out my phone and started texting my boyfriend. I call him FC, and he calls me Shu.

FC: Hey, how's America?

Shu: It's great, I love being home.


Wow. This campus is huge! There's even a fountain in the center! As I was taking it all in, I began to walk backwards when i tripped and fell into someone's arms. I turn around and look up into a pair of sparkling ocean blue eyes. "H-h-hey, are you okay?" Said a deep, accented voice. "I-I'm so sorry I'm fine I didn't mean to run into you... huh?" I replied. "You should really watch where you're stepping next time, that could've been a nasty spill for you." "Wow! He's so dreamy!" I thought to myself. "Uh, hello? Are you okay?" "Is he talking to me? HE IS TALKING TO ME! HE"S HOLDING ME IN HIS ARMS AND I'M JUST DROOLING OVER HIM! J-J-JUST SAY SOMETHING SMART!  You cool, thanks for help me! Oh my Irene what did you just say?"  "Do you need to go to the nurse's office or something?" "Uhhh.. It's my first day." "Really? Mine too!" He said.  "Sorry, forgot to introduce myself. My name is Garroth." Hmm that name sounds familiar but I don't know where. "Nice meet you. My name Aphmau." "Nice to meet you too, Aphmau. Since it's the first day for both of us, want to walk to class together?" "Y-yea, sure." I replied. "Hey! You're first real sentence to me!" He chuckled. I let a small giggle escape from my mouth. "H-hey! Look, I'm nervous about making friends here. I wasn't exactly miss popular back in my old school." "Well, think about it this way, you already made one friend." "And who would that be?" "You're lookin' at him." I smiled and blushed softly.

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